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鱼肉不宜切得过细或过薄!Do not cut fish fillet too fine or thin!

“我不想管得过细,”他说。“I don’t want to oversimplify, ” he says.

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由于梳棉棉网下坠导致条子过细。Thin card sliver due to web falling at cards.

制砂设备颚式破碎机安置过细事变。System sand blasting equipment jaw crusher resettlement interloper incident.

专家发起密切过细那些渺小的心情,脸是藏不住的。Experts advise paying close attention to the micro-expressions that a face can't hide.

胜利的写作要供懂得怎样深刻过细地吸引住特定受众。Writing successfully requires knowing how to attract niche audiences with depth and detail.

马涅对形象要求很过细,像他这样被驱逐的人往往就是一些最骄傲的人。Mania was meticulous about the appearances, the dispossessed are often some of the proudest people.

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我依稀记得,你薄薄的嘴唇贴上我过细的额头,好像全世界都变得宁静了。I vaguely remember, you thin lips stuck on my forehead carefully, as if the whole world becomes quiet.

罗伯特·迪·西尔瓦别无选择,慎之又慎,为迈克尔·莫雷蒂一案做了大量过细的准备工作。Robert Di Silva had taken no chances. He prepared the case against Michael Moretti with meticulous care.

规范太弱,焊条过细,运条不当等会导致未焊满。Standard is too weak, welding rod is careful, transporting strip improperly etc. can cause to not weld fully.

一束光线从街灯穿过细竹栏杆,照在一个穿著亮白色印度传统长袍的人身上。A shaft of light from a street lamp falls past tenuous bamboo railings onto a figure in a glittering white sari.

而要做到这些,必须态度认真,作风过细,不能疏忽大意,不能马虎潦草。To accomplish these attitudes must be serious, meticulous style, not negligence, the matter should not scribbled.

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它们太过细微而未受遏止,但同时也足够令人困扰而阻碍你发挥所有的潜能。They are small enough to go unchecked, but bothersome enough to get in the way of you living your fullest potential.

基因的错配有时可以逃过细胞质量控制检查点,这样就可以导致细胞很容易发展为癌症。Genetic errors that sneak past the cell's quality control check-points can make the cell prone to develop into cancer.

你知道,因为我们已经讲过细胞培养,我们上周讲过的,细胞的大规模制造Now, you know, because we talked about cell culture already, that a great--that we talked about last week, manufacturing of cells.

签合同时,必须仔细地读一读,包括附属规则在内,这是一件值得过细的事。Before signing a contract, one should read it carefully, including the fine print. This is one case where it pays to be meticulous.

在这种情况下,你也许会过细的定义一些本应合起来实现某个特殊功能的工作产品。In such a case, it might be that you defined too finely grained work products that should be combined to address a particular purpose.

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如果细胞膜只是一个脂质双分子层的话,葡萄糖就不可能进入细胞,因为它不能渗透过细胞膜If a cell membrane was indeed just a lipid bilayer, then glucose could never enter the cell because it can't permeate through cell membranes.

而我们要像百米冲刺一样迅速过一遍,这也就是说,在很多问题上,我们不能过细地追究和逗留And we're going to blitz through it like the hundred yard dash, and that means we can't stop and linger in too much detail on different topics.

我也参加过许过细胞学学术会议,也从来没人说过这些细胞的意义。I have attended many cytopath conferences and also never heard anybody mentioned any significance of the quantity of cells in bronchial washings.