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在旧约圣歌唱完之后让你的思想成形。Model your thoughts after the Psalmists of old.

旧约怎样行与新约怎样行!What done in O. T. and what do in New Testament?

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旧约的哪几卷书是‘诗歌’呢?Which books of the Old Testament are 'poetical'?

会不会涉及旧约?Am I going to talk about the Old Testament at all?

旧约教授,曾任教于圣约神学院,惠敦大学。Er professor, Covenant Seminary and Wheaton College.

圣经旧约和新约,国王詹姆斯版。The Bible, Old and New Testaments, King James Version.

旧约圣经弥迦书5章2节是一个预言。它指的是耶稣的降生。Micah chapter 5, verse 2, points to the birth of Jesus.

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以利亚是希伯莱圣经或旧约里的一位先知。Elijah is a prophet of the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament.

旧约里,神有好多不同的名字。In the Old Testament there are many different names of God.

先知玛拉基写了旧约最后一本书。Malachi a prophet of God wrote the last Old Testament book.

不过,这些新意念其实早已存在于旧约圣经里!But the so-called "new ideas" are as old as the Old Testament!

按旧约全书,这里被认为属于。应许之地。In the Old Testament, it was referred to as the Promised Land.

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旧约人物但以理和约伯,有许多共同之处。The Old Testament characters Job and Daniel had much in common.

的确,利未记是旧约的第三卷书,可是,它却预表了基督。It is the third book of the Old Testament but it speaks of Christ.

旧约中有几个神迹都与约柜有关。The Ark has been linked to several of the Old Testament's miracles.

旧约对新约来说是暂时的,和预表性的。The Old Covenant was temporary and typological of the New Covenant.

旧约和新约的许多经文都一再重申这一点。Many passages in both Old and New Testaments affirm this repeatedly.

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信仰立基于基督教的旧约全书和犹太法典的犹太教派。Jews who practice a religion based on the Old Testament and the Talmud.

打开利未记16章,看一张旧约恕罪的图片。Open up to Leviticus 16 to see an Old Testament picture of forgiveness.

古卷在旧约全书的基础上彻底做了校对。The Scrolls have revolutionized textual criticism of the Old Testament.