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但神化灵魂的是上帝本人。Not I but God Himself deified it.

信仰是精神化了的想象。Faith is spiritualized imagination.

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你创造了一个神化,创造了一个奇迹。You created a deification and a miracle.

并非人人都会神化肯尼迪。I don't think anybody will deify kennedy.

但神化灵魂的是上帝本人…I have been accused of deifying the soul.

因此世界不再被神化,没有了神话的色彩。So the world is sort of de-divinized. Demythologized.

自然是如何用少而廉的力量神化我们的呢?。How does Nature deify us with a few and cheap elements!

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根本没有泰矿的解毒剂,神化就等于死亡。There is no antidote for Tiberium. Divination is death.

事实上,吠陀的雅利安语是用作神化太阳,星辰和慧星。C. Vedic Aryans in fact deified the Sun, Stars and Comets.

在艺术史上,健美的身体都会被神化。In the history of art healthy body was being mythologized.

在美国,人死后就会被神化。In America they really do mythologise people when they die.

它使那种渴望精神化了,派就是象征。It spiritualizes that kind of desire, and my symbol for it is pie.

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这部电影成为PG-13级电影的可能性不大。没有更多的“麦克的神化”了。The chances of this film being anything other than PG-13 are slim.

秦王朝的统治思想是一种杂家思想,它利用宗教神学思想来神化统治。It makes use of theology thought of the religion to deify and rule.

盲从大众,神化大众,一直是鲁迅所警惕的。Mr Luxun had been alert to obeying the public and deifying the public.

因为这样,我们党也厌弃对于个人的神化。For the same reason, our party abhors the deification of an individual.

很明显弥尔顿与这神化产生了强烈的共鸣。Clearly this is a myth that Milton is identifying with very strongly here.

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白人新教神话主要是关于美国文化中几种形式的神化。The WASP myth is mainly about several types of apotheosis in American culture.

有许多优美的传说在他的身后美化、圣化、神化他。A lot of beautiful legends were embellished, made sacred and deified after him.

已被神化了公社的社会主义者和革命者至今。The Commune has been mythologized by socialists and revolutionaries ever since.