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他为这个计划献计献策。He brainstormed for the plan.

作为一名理论工作者,为这项工程献计献策,我们责无旁贷。As a theorist, suggests plans for this project, we are duty-bound.

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针对这种情况,俄罗斯、德国、英国和日本纷纷献计献策。Russia, Germany, Britain and Japan have also offered ideas of their own.

其目的是为进一步加快黑龙江省青贮玉米收获机械的发展献计献策。The aim is to offer advice for the further development of silage maize harvester.

他们为业务战略献计献策,通过技术改变这个战略。They contribute to business strategy, and they transform that strategy through technology.

就票贩子的情况,群众也有无穷的智慧来献计献策。Vote on the traffickers , the masses have a lot of wisdom to offer advice and suggestions.

提供详细的路书及户外攻略,为您的户外活动献计献策。Provide a detailed road book and outdoor captures, for your outdoor activities suggestions.

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使学员开拓视野,为公司的长远发展献计献策。To enable students to broaden their horizons, for the company's long-term development suggestions.

宣讲者以数据和事实谈观点,为政府宏观调控献计献策。Give persons with data and facts about perspective, the government's macroeconomic control brainstorming.

各年龄段和各层级的员工都要在项目实施过程中献计献策,并取得卓越成绩。Employees of all ages and levels will contribute creative thinking and operational excellence to projects.

他希望各界人士能通过论坛为亚洲的繁荣献计献策。Kim hoped that people from all walks of life would, through the forum, produce good ideas for the prosperity of Asia.

他们开始为如何引诱熊爬上电线杆而献计献策,有人建议说把蜂蜜放在电线杆顶上。They brainstormed on how to coax the bears up the telephone poles and someone suggested getting honey to the top of the poles.

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大小公司都已意识到,设立员工专注于SEO的献计献策并付诸实施是有需要、有价值的。Companies big and small are recognizing the need for and value of having dedicated staff to recommend and implement SEO strategies.

女职工还积极参与企业的管理,为促进企业的发展献计献策。Women have taken an active part in management and offered numerous proposals and suggestions for the development of their enterprises.

以下巴斯夫报告,旨在为此献计献策,从石油化工行业的角度提出一些建议。The following BASF report aims to contribute ideas and provide some recommendations from the view of petrochemical and chemical industry.

塔隆伪造了自己的死亡。多登纳加入起义军高层,为这个羽翼未丰的组织献计献策。Tallon faked his death, and Dodonna joined the higher echelons of the Rebellion's military, offering his expertise to the fledgling group.

我国报纸台风报道不但应该及时报道当地最新台风进展,还要为实际的抗灾救灾工作献计献策。These typhoon reports in our country not only publicized the latest news but also promoted the works in preventing and fighting disasters.

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笔者写这篇文章只是为了引起更多人对该问题的重视,并希望越来越多的人不断的加入这个讨论的行列,为我国新世纪的船舶买卖和租赁献计献策。I just hope more persons will take part in this discussion and give their wise opinions in helping promote bear boat hire-purchase charter party.

希望在座的各位专家学者在一天半的研讨会上畅所欲言、各抒己见,为解决中国的农民工问题献计献策。I hope that in the following one and a half days, experts and scholars will speak their minds and offer suggestions to help China with the issues.

当某人对你敞开心扉,也许还吐露了一个你未曾意料到的梦想或目标时,不要急于献计献策。应该问一句“我有什么可以帮忙的吗?”When someone does open up to you, perhaps confiding a dream or goal that you'd never realized they had, don't start offering advice straight away.