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空空的大厅里发出回声。The empty hall echoed.

我看了一眼空空的水碗。I glanced at the empty water bowl.

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我看着身旁那张空空的长椅。I looked at the empty bench next to me.

口袋空空的人腰杆子是挺不直的。It's hard for an empty bag to stand upright.

只有那些果实空空的稗子,才始终把头抬得很高。Only those hollow wheat heads could rise up high.

只有空空的木盒子及两只未粉刷的长凳。Only bare wooden cases and two upholstered benches.

而安两手湿湿地抱着空空的篮子。Ann holds the empty basketry. Her hand is still wet.

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而当一个人回家后面对空空的房间时,悲伤才会来袭。Grief strikes when one comes home to the empty house.

如果站在你面前,我双手空空,我能是什么?Who will I be when I stand before you with empty hands?

自此以后那个小男孩来时,口袋便是空空的了。And, thenceforth, the little boy came with vacant pockets.

大部分幸存者手中空空,惟有愁绪重重。Of the survivors, most have little left but their stories.

我只带着空空的手和企望的心。I start on my journey with empty hands and expectant heart.

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腹皮绷紧,鼓之空空者,虚也。Celiac skin take up, bosomy sky is empty person, empty also.

如果胃囊空空,谁也难以成为爱国志士。——布拉恩。If the stomach is empty, who is also difficult to be patriots.

就在这时他听说,“霍利格罗夫儿童之家”需要一间图书馆却苦于毫无资源,有的只是一个空空的场地和一大群没有书的孩子们。All they had was an empty space and lots of kids without books.

我发现自己幽幽一人处在一个大而空空的房子里。And I found myself wandering alone, in a large and empty house.

好,“我的头脑空空的”嗯-还有什么可以分享的吗?OK, "My mind is blank" um-Anything else your mind has to share?

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当然不,简回答,肚子空空,脑子懵懂。此之谓也。Not at all, replied Jane. Its hard to think with a empty stomach.

某一刻你会忽然感到好像你的每一天都几乎是空空的。All of a sudden it will feel as though your days are almost empty.

他们用沙来筑屋,玩弄着空空的贝壳。They build their houses with sand, and they play with empty shells.