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我是一个蠢材吗?I am a fool it?

你是个蠢材。You are a B. F.

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我认为他是个蠢材。I consider him a fool.

我绝不会叫人蠢材。I would never call somebody a boob.

信我啦,我可以呃到个蠢材。Believe me, I can fool that egghead.

闭嘴,你个蠢材,你那些小动作动机都不纯。Shut up, Fool, you spin ain't genuine.

天使不敢践踏的地方,蠢材蜂涌而至。Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

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人到四十,若非蠢材,当知调摄。At forty every man is a fool or his own physician.

哦,太棒了,这才是现在应该关心的事情,蠢材!Oh, yeah, that is the part to focus on, you idiot!

这就是赫克托,那个以为自己打败了阿基里斯的蠢材。This is Hector, the fool who thought he killed Achilles.

像你这样的蠢材到底是怎样赚到这么多钱的?How on earth did a stupid guy like you make so much money?

对领导的每一个决定一味奉承的人们是蠢材。They are fools who adulate every decision of their leaders.

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“这群蠢材!”他说,“他们把自己人打死,还白白浪费了我们的弹药。”"The fools! " said he. "They are getting their own men killed and.

我想对你说去更新你的词汇表,你这无知的蠢材!I am trying to tell you to improve your vocabulary, you ignorant fool!

我也不同意他多少有点感情用事地评价我是“独一无二的蠢材”。Nor did I agree with his somewhat emotional assessment of me as a "unique moron."

一个蠢材在他本身家里所知的事比一个灵巧人在他人家里所知的事要多。A fool knows more in his own house than a thoughtful man in an offervertisementditionhas.

还有一点需要明白的是中国有待来一场房地产泡沫破裂,这样才能把蠢材和天才区分开来。Understand also that China has yet to have a realbust either to sort out the morons from the geniuses.

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假使有人决心要当流氓,就应当好好的自我检讨一下,看看自己是否更适宜于当蠢材。When a man makes up his mind to become a rascal, he should examine himself closely and see if he isn't better constructed for a fool.

她用欢笑解除武装,也正是她教会我们去笑那些恶棍与蠢材,否则我们或许会软弱到去鄙视与憎恨。Her mirth disarms and it is she who teaches us to laugh at rogues and fools whom but for her we might be so weak as to despise and hate.

甚至对最有准备的人来说,考试也是难对付的,因为最大的蠢材也可能提出走出最聪明的人所能提出超出最聪明的人所能回答的问题。——柯顿。Examinations are formidable even to the BEST prepared, for the greatest fool may ask more than the wisest man can answer. ——Charles Colton.