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反证公司要换血了。Counterevidence company should change blood.

反证摆在眼前,他仍不能相信。He could not believe even with the disproof before his eyes.

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即使反证摆在眼前,他仍不相信。He would not believe even with the disproof before his eyes.

在这样特殊的情况下,我打算对你的假设提出反证。Well in this specific case I am going to disprove your assumption.

对于这种突然变化的信念,在胚胎学上提出了强有力的反证。Against the belief in such abrupt changes, embryology enters a strong protest.

加害人对基础事实的反驳属于反证,而对推定事实的反驳则是本证。Perpetrator's refutation to basic facts is disproof, while his refutation to presumed facts is proof.

也许你不同意上面所说的,然后给我们看看你的反证的证据?Maybe you should disprove the above as mere allegations and show us proof to clarify some things a bit?

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这从另一个角度也反证出通俗文学被精英文化接纳的价值原则。This is another proof of the value principle by which the popular literature is accepted by elite culture.

其不可能性和不必要性可以从死亡的必然性和必要性得到反证。Its impossibility and dispensability may derivecounter-evidence from the inevitability and necessity of death.

圣灵的一贯手法乃是重新诠释小我的分裂藉口,把它转为一种反证。Again as always, He reinterprets what the ego uses as an argument for separation into a demonstration against it.

另从血虚证实质角度探讨了该模型的病理生理反应机制,用四物汤进行了反证研究。The aim of the study is to provide clues for choosing different models and investigate the mechanisms of Siwu Tang on it.

用调补肺肾方进行治疗有效,反证模型的可靠性。Then treat with the prescription of "regulating and nourishing the lung and kidney" to prove the reliability of the model.

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从临床症状、体内水液变化的客观指标及中药反证方面证明模型的建立是成功的。It proved that the foundation of model is succeed from the clinic syndrome, change of body fluid and intervention of herbs.

同时,从反乌托邦主义者对乌托邦批判的缺陷可以反证乌托邦观念的政治意义。And we can disproof the political meaning of Utopia through analyzing the defects of the criticism of the anti-Utopianism to Utopia.

同时霍桑又加上一句重要的补充,更足反证伊的见解不能成立。At the same time Huo mulberry in addition up adding of importance, more foot counter-evidence the views of the Yi can not establish.

由此看来,我国注册会计师行业采用独立管制模式是理论分析和注册会计行业具体实践反证的结果。So the CPAs industry independent-regulation mode of our country is the result of theoretical analysis and the counter-evidence of practice.

刘端之心与外部世界的亦儒亦道的关系,又反证了“神思”中的心物关系是创作主体之心徘徊在功利与非功利之间。This in turn proved that the relation in Shensi is the creation subject's stroll through the world of utilitarianism and ultra-utilitarianism.

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你声称自己是一个学生,试图从中学习,然而,你否定我说的一切话,忽视我针对你的论点的反证。You claim to be just a student trying to learn, yet you accept nothing I say as valid and ignore the counter-examples that I give to your points.

你的读者,必须提供有足够的反证和数据得出自己的结论,而不单纯依靠你的解释。Your readers must be provided with enough counter-evidence and data to draw their own conclusions without simply relying on your interpretations.

除了这些反证,Goldstein关于普通变异对临床疾病预测没有帮助的观点是完全正确的。But these counter-examples aside, Goldstein is perfectly correct that common variants have proved disappointing from a clinical predictive standpoint.