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这是一个紧张动作和自体性行为动作的结合。This is a combination of nervous and autoerotic actions.

其内容包括程序性权利和实体性权利。Its content includes procedural right and substantive right.

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毁学是一种群体性破坏新式教育的暴力行为。School destruction is a group aggro to destroy new education.

以期对语言得体性问题做一个整体性的阐释。Expect to do a piece of explanation of globality to the proper language.

猪霉形体性肺炎是一种慢性传染病。A mycoplasmal pneumonia of swine is one of the chronic infectious disease.

第五是个体性与集体性相结合的劳动特点。The fifth is the laboring characteristic of individuality and collectivity.

行为具有有体性、有意性、有害性和违法性四个特征。Act has four characters of corporeality, intention, harmfulness and illegitimacy.

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他通过一般性而非个体性来表现宇宙。He presents the subject, however, not in its individuality but in its generality.

我认为是低级别DCIS,实体性和筛状生长构型。I would characterize this as low grade DCIS, solid and cribriform growth patterns.

重情体性是中国诗学的传统精神。To emphasize emotion and temperament is a traditional character of Chinese poetry.

至尊灵魂是个体性的起源,我们因此才都具有个体性。The Supreme Soul is the origin of individuality, and that's why we are all individual.

媒介形态问题是广播电视研究中的本体性问题。The problem of the media form is an ontic problem in the study of TV and broadcasting.

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在一个关于实体性问题的投票中,代表除了可以选择“是”或者“否”,还可以选择“弃权”。During a vote on a substantive matter, a delegate may abstain rather than vote yes or no.

随后基因材料把思想形态转录到肉体性,即形体。The genetic material then transcribes the thought-form into physicality, which is known as form.

经该机压印后的花纹皮面光泽圆滑,立体性极强。The leather surface embossed by this machine is glossy, smooth and of very strong plastic effect.

第一部分从私权与公权的角度思考了公司这一团体性组织。The first section of this article ponders the corporation in the point of view of right and power.

壁层上皮细胞形成新月体性肾炎的肾小球,新月体从四周挤压毛细血管丛。Here is another glomerulus with epithelial crescents squashing the glomerular tufts from all sides.

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因而公共性是政府的实体性存在,而非公共实体和具体的公共性。So government publicity is government ontic being , but not public entity or idiographic publicity.

你所知的二元性与肉体性将演化并成长为其他更大的什么。Duality and physicality as you know it are to evolve and grow into something else, something greater.

“本体性否定”是作为区别西方各种本体论和中国本根论提出的。"Noumenon Negative" is different from some other similar theories of West countries as well as China.