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我们下星期的见面,我想改期。I was calling to change our meeting next week.

若在考前10个工作日之内,改期是不允许的。Transfers are not permitted within 10 working days of the test.

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我们的会面已经一再改期,上月推下月。Our meetings have been repeatedly rescheduled, month after month.

塞维利亚因为同一天在城市内有庆祝节日而希望改期。Sevilla want to change the date because of a festival in the city.

航班是存在的,可是经常在当天改期或是取消。Flights were available, but often rescheduled or canceled later in the day.

那究竟什么样的机票才能签转、改期和退票呢?If so, just what kind of ticket to be signed, it was rescheduled and refunds?

机票签转、改期和退票都受客票价的限制。Ticket to sign, rescheduled and refunds are subject to restrictions on passenger fares.

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可以,但您必须填好考试改期表并至少在考试前提前10个工作日到考试中心,支付500元完成改期。Transfer Slip and pay 500RMB to the Test Centres at least 10 working days before the test.

比利时杯的半决赛会为避开国家队比赛日而改期。Semi-final dates for the Belgian Cup have been moved to avoid clashes with international weeks.

一如既往,他再度改期,到了七月尾他预计十月能完成初稿。Still, he pressed on, and at the end of July was predicting a completed "rough draft" by October.

这是美国历史上首次出现注射死刑被迫改期的情况。It’s the first time in US history that an execution attempt by lethal injection has had to be rescheduled.

1928年,荷兰女王威廉明娜要求奥运会改期,以错开她在挪威的假期。Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands asked for the 1928 Games to be rescheduled to fit in with her holiday in Norway.

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若因特殊情形,大会有权通知各参赛者改期作赛或另作编排。The Organiser reserves the right to postpone any match or make any alternative arrangements under special circumstances.

如遇改期,香港董事学会将于网上发布及个别联络已报名者。In case of change of course date, HKIoD will announce on its website as well as individually contact enrolled participants.

可以,但您必须填好考试改期表并至少在考试前提前10个工作日到考试中心,支付500元完成改期。Yes, you can, but you must complete a Transfer Slip and pay 500RMB to the Test Centres at least 10 working days before the test.

可以,但您必须填好考试改期表并至少在考试前五周的工作日到考试中心,支付500元完成改期。Yes, you can, but you must complete a Transfer Slip and pay 500RMB to the Test Centres at least 25 working days before the test.

若因特殊情形,大会有权通知各参赛者改期作赛或另作编排。The Organiser reserves the right to make postponement of competition or any alternative arrangements under special circumstances.

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本人同意赛事安排于上课日子进行,并明白大会只接受考试原因之改期申请。I understand that the Competition might be scheduled on school days. Re-scheduling request is only accepted for school exam reasons.

尽管北京方面保留了改期安排访问的可能性,但这将很难办到,因为世博会将于下月闭幕。While Beijing has held out the possibility of rescheduling the visit, this was practically impossible given that the Expo ends next month.

但是那一天也是足总杯半决赛的比赛日,这就意味着本轮比赛一旦他们两者中有一个晋级足总杯,那天的联赛比赛将会被改期。However, that is also the scheduled date of the FA Cup semi-finals, meaning that if either or both clubs come through their next ties, the fixture will be moved.