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他所用的是小鸡胚胎。And he used a chicken embryo.

胚胎植入前的诊断。Preimplantation genetic diagnosis.

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胚胎干细胞是两性的。Embryonic stem cells are totipotent.

那些胚胎干细胞株已经有了。Those stem-cells lines already existed.

叫做"胚胎重演律"It's "Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny."

那么水藻到底是如何进入胚胎里的呢?So how might the algae enter the embryos?

睾丸胚胎癌,上方是正常的睾丸的边缘。Here is an embryonal carcinoma of the testis.

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这时期的胚胎称为囊胚。An embryo at this stage is called a blastocyst.

我很怀疑,只有“胚胎”就足够了。I’m skeptical that “gestations” will be enough.

个体发生从胚胎到成鱼的发展过程。The process of development from embryo to adult.

这是混有畸胎瘤的胚胎癌。This is embryonal carcinoma mixed with teratoma.

不过,所有的人类胚胎最初都有一根尾巴。However, all human embryos initially have a tail.

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精神上,我已经缩到一个胚胎大小了。Mentally, I was shrinking into the fetal position.

试验也检测了胚胎的非整倍体。The aneuploidies of embryos were detected as well.

胚胎癌比精原细胞瘤侵袭性更强。Embryonal carcinoma is more aggressive than seminoma.

胚胎搞混了在生育诊所是极其罕见的。Embryo mix-ups at fertility clinics are extremely rare.

一部分将变成胎盘,另一部分则变成胚胎。One part will become the placenta the other the embryo.

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一部分将变成胎盘,另一部分则变成胚胎。One part will become the placenta, the other the embryo.

如果胚胎含有XY染色体组合,则它会发育成男孩。If an embryo has an XY combination, it will become a boy.

报道说,71个胚胎存活下来,它们中54个做了测试。Seventy-one embryos survived, and 54 of those were tested.