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她述说了他的罪恶。She recounted his sins.

汹涌的波涛在述说什么?What are the wild waves saying?

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故事可以以任何一种形式述说。Stories can be told on any platform.

无论你怎莫看它们都在述说同样的故事。It's the same st ory wherever you look.

述说一段王子复仇记。This is a story about a prince's vengeance.

他喜欢述说他个人的经历。He loved to recite his personal experiences.

他在被送上断头台之前述说了他的一生Before he was guillotined he dictated his life.

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他毫无保留地述说了他在监狱中的事。He spoke without reserve of his time in prison.

在利未记里这些话反复述说了有九次之多。Nine times these words are repeated in Leviticus.

在静谧的一刻中,悠悠述说那个童话故事Tell them in a quiet moment how the fairy tale was

他清楚地论述说,法律就是君主的意志。He makes clear that law is what the sovereign says it is.

伊莱贾曾大胆地向君王和统治者述说神的话。Elijah had spoken the Word of God boldly to kings and rulers.

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她不再和我述说我们以色列人先祖的事迹了。She doesn’t tell me one ofthose stories about the old ancestors.

我们可以做思想史研究,然后阐述说,这是柏拉图的观点We could do the history of ideas and say, "Here's Plato's views.

你是谁?日日述说起对我的思念,但我无法看见。Who are you? Since the day you declare to miss, but I can't see.

宣示你的价值,述说你的美丽,公布你的赠与。Proclaim your value, announce your beauty and declare your gifts.

工会领袖述说工人们的苦情。The trade union leader spoke about the grievances of the workers.

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在列邦中述说他的荣耀,在万民中述说他的奇事。Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people.

她描述说,就在逮捕前,她听到“可怕的声响”。She described hearing "terrible noises" shortly before the arrest.

一段心路望回来,才发现,彼此连相互述说的欲望都已经没有。A journey that looked back, even tell each other all have no desire.