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我喜欢那个亭子。I like the gloriette.

古色古香的亭子。The old-timey gloriette.

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山的半中腰有一座亭子。A pavilion is halfway up the hill.

突然,远远的,她看到一个小亭子。Suddenly she saw a little pavilion.

瞧,那亭子高高地立在空中呢。Look, the pavilion is High in the sky.

噍,那亭子高高地立在空中呢。Look, the pavilion is high in the sky.

那座亭子叫湖心亭。That pavilion is called Huxin Pavilion.

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这间亭子具有古风。The pavilion has an antiquated appearance.

山和亭子都在脚下。The mountains and pavillions were underneath.

在嘉年华会上,孩子们有各种各样的小亭子。At the carnival they had all kinds of booths4.

湖心有一座亭子。At the centre of the lake, there is a pavilion.

一座小亭子怎么说得清?听!Tiny, as a pavilion, of such can tell ?, Hear ?!

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山上的亭子俯瞰河面。The pavilion on the hill looks down on the river.

古建亭子施工图集。Atlas of ancient architecture pavilion construction.

我们打算在湖中央盖造一个亭子。We plan to build a pavilion in the center of the lake.

在这个小亭子下,只要愿意,任何人都可以在一个小方格上画点什么。At this booth, anyone who wanted to could paint a square5.

仅次于科普斯矗立着微妙的透明亭子。Just behind the copse stands a delicately transparent pavilion.

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肥莱尔岛上做著名的建筑是图拉真亭子。One of the most famous buildings at Philae is the Kiosk of Trajan.

雨下起来了,丽莎与罗尔夫跑进亭子里躲雨。It begins to rain, Liesl and Rolfe run into a pavilion for shelter.

在附近的亭子里有个老婆婆在卖巧克力和香烟。Nearby, an old woman sells chocolate and cigarettes from a tiny kiosk.