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他们从植物里吸取汁液。They suck juices out of the plant.

白色的汁液从边上渗出来。The white juice oozes out the sides.

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阳光也不会褪去我的柠檬色的汁液。Sunlight won 't betray my lemon juice.

但至少它使汁液流畅。but at least it got the juices flowing.

这种植物的汁液会使皮肤起水疱。The sap of this plant blisters the skin.

如果大猪草的汁液进入你的眼睛,很可能你就瞎了。If it gets in your eyes, you can go blind.

全部调味料放在煲内,煮至汁液浓稠。Boil all seasoning until the sauce thickens.

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一眼角作为汁液五到六次每天。One canthus take juices five to six times a day.

显著多汁液看灰色的眼睛在她微笑。Remarkably sappy looking gray eyes smiled at her.

他们用脚把水果踩出汁液来。They crush the juice out of the fruit by treading it.

用榨汁机榨出橙子、柚子、柠檬的汁液。Juice the oranges, grapefruit and lemon with the juicer.

加入食物的水份应较一般焗炉少、以免汁液过多。Add less water to your food to avoid overflows when cooking.

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难道我没有明白地说,加入少许水蛭的汁液就够了吗?Didn't I state plainly that a dash of leech juice would suffice?

让我们剥开木瓜、菠萝和芒果,喝椰子的汁液。Let's peel papayas , pineapples, and mangoes, drink coconut milk.

当你咬一小口,豆腐就会慢慢渗出一些汁液,咸咸甜甜的,很好吃。When you take a bite the bean curd oozes sticky, salty sweetness.

蜂蜜是由蜜蜂采集植物蜜腺分泌的汁液酿成。Honey is secreted by the bees gather nectar plant juices precipitate.

从植物汁液中收集天然橡胶已经有几个世纪的历史。Natural rubber has been gathered from the sap of plants for centuries.

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吃牡蛎最好把它们浸在它们本身的汁液中,然后盖上一片柠檬生吃。Oysters are best served raw in their own juices with a slice of lemon.

书上滑落的汁液都盛载着印第安人的记忆。sap which courses through the trees carries the memories of the red man.

夏天的时候,桑树林里的绿色草皮上就会染上桑葚的深红汁液。In summer the mulberry trees would stain the green grass with crimson pulp.