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这样一大批手稿得以重见天日。So a lot of these things were rediscovered.

如果你袭击了五角大楼,你就别想重见天日。If you attack the Pentagon, you might want to hide.

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我知道的只是“曾经的我是一个瞎子,但如今重见天日了”。All I know is that "once I was blind and now I see".

如今早期基督教被掩藏已久的那一面正在重见天日。A long-buried side of early Christianity is re-emerging.

移民大赦使得部分非法在美居留的人得以重见天日。An immigration amnesty has enabled many illegal residents in the U.

我知道你内心的那个好女孩快要重见天日了。I know inside of you there's a nice girl that's just dying to come out.

今朝重见天日,专家惊呼犹如发现"迷失的世界"。Experts said the find was exciting and like looking into a "lost world".

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博物馆的地下室里堆满了永远不会重见天日的物件。Museum basements are stacked full of objects which never see the light of day.

盲人之眼必重见天日,聋人之耳必重闻世音。The eyes of the blind shall see the day and the ears of the deaf shall be opened.

它们的重见天日,对西方世界产生了深远的影响。Such that rediscovery of them could have such a profound effect on the western world.

满布铁绣、灰尘的老底片,终得重见天日的机会。Old films, covered with rust and dust, have their chance to see the light of day again.

然后有一天,一位外科圣手为他进行了一项复杂的手术,令他得以重见天日。But then one day a skilled surgeon performed a complicated operation, and Bob could see.

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18世纪中叶,经考古学家挖掘,使古奥运会遗址重见天日。The mid-18th century, the archaeologists excavated, the ancient Olympic Games sites freed.

而今,由于采石淘沙、施工挖掘而使之重见天日。Now, as a result of Amoy sand quarrying, construction of the excavation will see a bright future.

我认为这些照片无法重见天日了,而随着时间的流逝,我都忘了这些照片的存在。I figured the pictures would never see the light of day, and as time went by I forgot all about them.

1961年,借助钢缆和巨大的打捞充气浮筒,瓦萨号才得以重见天日。In 1961, with the help pf steel cables and huge inflatable pontoons, the Vasa rose again from the deep.

这笔巨大的财宝几个世纪来一直深埋地下,直到这个月初才重见天日。The huge treasure trove lay undetected for centuries before it was brought to light earlier this month.

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英国人阿瑟·埃文斯爵士,为此做出了艰苦卓绝的工作,让这个文明重见天日Sir Arthur Evans, an Englishman, was responsible for the major work that has revealed that civilization.

在过去的200年中这座消失的城市被考古学者发掘着得以重见天日。The disappeared city has been excavated in the last 200 years under successive archaeological explorations.

矿工结束了值班之后从阴暗的洞里出来,返回地面,重见天日。A worker's shift is finished and the miners emerge from their grimy hole into the daylight and life above ground.