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博大宽广,悦心而动。Broad, mind and.

要像海一般宽广。正所谓「有容乃大」。In tolerance be like a sea.

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他的思想变宽广了。His ideas have broadened out.

依凭博大的智慧和宽广的胸怀。With great wisdom and broad bosom.

小伙儿心胸多宽广。And the Lads have ocean-like minds.

他的音域不断变化,而且十分宽广。His range is very dynamic and wide.

我是幽黑的海洋,粼光跳跃,绵延宽广I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide

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这个问题比那要宽广的多。This question is much bigger than that.

成见愈少,生命愈宽广。Less prejudice makes your life expansive.

从宽广的大地飞向奥林匹斯山。Up to Olympus from the wide-spread earth.

他们面朝着这个宽广的世界。They're looking out at the big wide world.

这表明了他的心胸宽广和友好。This shows him to be liberal and friendly.

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若无宽广的心胸,人类有何美丽?Without broad mind, what is the beauty of man?

他总是采用一种非常宽广的音乐空间。He's always taken a musically broad perpective.

旅游使我们开阔视野,心胸宽广。Travel broadens our eyes and enlarges our mind.

这样的改变将会诉诸于更宽广的世界。That change is then carried into the wider world.

我爱你之深邃,之宽广,之高远I love thee to the depth and breadth and height to

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它不像苏联的那个那么坚固宽广。It's not so impregnable or wide as the Soviet one.

这种选择,使脱贫致富的路子越走越宽广。Such an option, so that the broad road of poverty.

心胸宽广,能包容错误,有味道的女人!Broad-minded , tolerant of error, the woman has taste!