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城市也并非没有良辰美景。Nor is the city withoutits moments of beauty.

城市也并非没有自己的良辰美景。Nor is the city without its moments of beauty.

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我邀请她共度这个良辰美景。I invited her to enjoy the beautiful scene on a bright day.

遥将相思寄明月,良辰美景盼团圆!Will be sent to the moon from Acacia, happiness and reunion!

海棠开后,燕子来时,良辰美景奈何天。Begonia opened, the swallows, the scenery all day nonetheless.

谢谢那些良辰美景,永远湿润着我眼睛。Thanks these beautiful scenery on a beautiful day, forever is being moist my eye.

衷心祝愿我的朋友,愿这良辰美景带给你内心的欢乐。A special wish for my friend . May the beauty of the season bring joy to your heart.

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喜临门,喜洋洋。在此良辰美景,让我们举起酒杯,向新人们表示真诚的祝福。Healthy, radiant. On this day, let us lift wineglass, to express the sincere blessing.

在一个八月的夜晚顺着长江,这通常将会是个良辰美景。It is an August evening along the Yangtze, andordinarily it would be a pleasant scene.

喜临门,喜洋洋。在此良辰美景,让我们举起酒杯,向新人们表示真诚的祝福。Healthy, radiant. In this view, let us raise glasses to new people, expressed sincere wishes.

那您是否可以劝说您的女儿们趁着这良辰美景出去走走,并允许我陪伴着她们?Would she not, then, persuade her daughters to take advantage of such weather, and allow him the pleasure of attending them?

品尝着精美的点心及各类酒水,沉醉于这良辰美景中,您定会有繁华大都市的高雅感受。The exquisite taste of the various kinds of snacks and drinks, indulge in this scenery all, you will be bustling city of elegant feeling.

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它是令人陶醉的良辰美景——这对电影的力量至关重要——如果是由另一个女人被谋杀换来的话。It’s an intoxicating vision of bliss if one that — and this is critical to the film’s force — has been paid for by the murder of another woman.

城市也并非没有良辰美景。寒冷潮湿的冬夜里,广告灯箱发出的暖光,会给人某种安慰。Nor is the city without its moments of beauty. There is something comforting about the warm glow shed by advertisements on cold wet winter nights.

相反,如果你心情郁闷,无论你走多远或无论你置身于什么样的良辰美景之中,你都会感到孤独、挫折等等。On the contrary, if you have a heavy heart, you will feel lonely, frustrated, etc. no matter how far you go or what a splandid scenery you are in.

此刻拥有伴侣,并肩面对良辰美景,彼此关心又不会走得太近,没有许多身体的接触,关心与慰问永远很多。Now has a partner, side by side face beauty, care for each other and not get too close, without much physical contact, concern and sympathy forever many.

亚邦国际大酒店将是您接待商务贵宾、举办会议研讨、体验细意浓情、享受良辰美景的最佳选择。This hotel is the best choice for business and pleasure trips in Xiangshui, with the gracious services and memorable experiences will surely bring you back again and again.

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然而,每值这样的良辰美景,我想到的却仍然是故乡苇坑里的那个平凡的小月亮。On such beautiful nights, however, I will think of the ordinary moon over the pond in my home village. Indeed, seeing the moon never fails to make me think of my home village.

但偏偏很多人不会把握良辰美景,常与人计较,心不知足,所以行为不合规矩,造成不少烦恼。But happens a lot of people do not grasp the moments of beauty, often with people care about, the heart do not know enough, so act against the rules, resulting in no less trouble.

到了1978年,他又活动开了心思,买了一台很普通的二手相机,总想要留住感动过他的良辰美景,这动机如此朴素、纯粹、强烈,以至于值得用毕生的精力去践行。In 1978, he bought another ordinary second-hand camera and resumed his photographing. The motivation was so simple yet so strong that he decided that it would always be a part of his life.