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我们在这方面没有既得利益。We have no vested interest in this respect.

不要听信这些既得利益者的诡辩。Do not listen to this sophistry by vested interests.

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但制药公司已经从制造疾病中获得了既得利益。But drug companies have a vested interest in disease-mongering.

与之相比,富国将遭殃于深厚的隐没成本及既得利益。By contrast, rich nations suffer from deep sunk costs and entrenched vested interests.

“既得利益者让日本农业走入死胡同”,齐藤先生叹道。“Vested interests are running Japanese agriculture into a wall, ” Mr. Saito, 52, said.

既得利益者们排放温室气体的行为正在向穷人的身上施加一种不公正么?By emitting greenhouse gases, are the rich perpetrating an injustice on the world's poor?

没有战斗就没有胜利,因为有太多的既得利益者已经在我们前进的道路上布下了层层荆棘。We won't win without a fight, because there are many vested interests who want to stop us.

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PatientsLikeMe公司在使医学记录更易得方面显然有它自己的既得利益。PatientsLikeMe obviously has its own vested interest in making medical records more accessible.

其次是,很多已从香奈儿那里得到既得利益的人在试图保护香奈儿清白时尚的光环。Secondly, he said, many people have a vested interest in protecting Chanel's aura of unsullied chic.

然而美国作为既得利益者,自然对体系的改革百般阻挠。But the United States as a vested interest state in the reform is the natural obstacle of the reform.

拟议中的碳排放控制措施遭到石油业中强大的既得利益集团的反对。Pro-posed controls on carbon emissions were opposed by powerful vested interests in the oil business.

政府的拥护者表示,这些批评来自于想要维持旧有秩序的既得利益阶级。Government defenders say the criticism comes from those with a vested interest in maintaining the old order.

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Littmann补充道,那些"既得利益者"是为奥巴马总统竞选出过力的工会.Those "vested interests" are the unions that campaigned to elect U.S. President Barack Obama, Littmann added.

理顺这种增长模式所涉及的大量决策和既得利益,将是一项艰巨任务。Unpicking the mass of decisions and entrenched interests involved in this growth model is a huge undertaking.

即使人们以支持克什米尔自由的名义还是支持这些人,恐怖分子仍然是唯一的既得利益者。Even if people are supporting the same in the name of Kashmir's azaadi, terrorism serves vested interests only.

既得利益者害怕新来的年轻人夺走他们拥有的东西,所以不愿意和年轻人做生意。Established interests are afraid a young newcomer will steal what they have, so they won’t do business with him.

“隐私已经被那些在囤积这类信息方面有既得利益者当作借口,”海伍德说。"Privacy has been used as an excuse by those who have a vested interest in hoarding this information, " Heywood says.

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代表团在德班会议上的表现不过是既得利益集团发出的一种反对宣言而已。The delegation’s behaviour at the Durban session was merely a manifesto of the opposition from vested interest groups.

村组织作为既得利益者会成为农民进行农地产权制度改革的阻碍力量。Village organizations will be oppose power against the property right institutional transformation of China rural land.

计生部门是一个盘根错节的庞大既得利益团体,在不同层级政府中,都死命想维持现状。The family-planning bureaucracy is a vast and entrenched interest group defending the status quo at all levels of government.