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电工白铜一般有良好的热电性能。General Electric copper-nickel alloy has a good thermoelectric properties.

本文介绍了一种新型白铜眼镜框架材料。A novel type of white brass for spectacles frame is introduced in this paper.

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通过调整研磨工艺,基本抑制了锌白铜表面加热发黄。It eliminates the yellowing defects of cupronickel strip by improving the grinding process.

研究了真空熔铸法制备的锰白铜基铸造碳化铬复合材料的二体磨料磨损机理。The abrasion wear mechanism of Mn copper-nickel alloy matrix-cast chromium carbide composite was studied.

经上海野尻眼镜有限公司试用后认为,该合金可以替代国外进口的眼镜框架用高弹性洋白铜材料。Ltd, the results show that this alloy may be used to replace the high elastic white brass for spectacles frame imported from abroad.

锡镍枪黑色、锡钴合金镀枪黑色、白铜锡代铬、无氰环保滚挂镀白铜锡。Five, tin gun black, tin cobalt nickel alloy plating gun black, cupronickel tin and chromium, cyanogens plating cupronickel tin environmental roll.

本厂专业生成各种牌号铝铸件及各种牌号青铜,黄铜,硅青铜,镍白铜及阀门等铸件及机械加工。Our factory specialized in generating various grades of aluminum castings, bronze, brass, silicon bronze, nickel cupronickel and valve castings and machining.

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锰白铜是制造精密电工仪器、变阻器、精密电阻、应变片、热电偶等用的材料。Manganese copper-nickel alloy is to create sophisticated electrical equipment, rheostat, precision resistors, strain gauges, thermocouples and other materials used.

研究了真空熔铸法制备的锰白铜基铸造碳化铬复合材料的二体磨料磨损机理。The abrasion wear mechanism of Mn copper-nickel alloy matrix-cast chromium carbide composite was studied. Vacuum infiltrating casting method was employed to produce the composite.

初步研究了铅锌白铜线坯采用拉—停—反推—停水平连铸生产工艺,此工艺可以进行铅锌白铜线坯的生产。The horizontal continuous-casting technology with operating procedures of drawing-stopping-pushing back-stopping for manufacturing lead copper-nickle wire has been studied preliminarily.

采用室内模拟加速试验装置,对紫铜、青铜、黄铜和白铜等几类铜及铜合金,在不同泥沙含量的海水中的冲蚀情况及腐蚀速率进行了研究。The erosion rate and morphology of nine kinds copper and copper alloy, including brass and bronze, were investigated in sea water with different silt content through indoor simulated tests.