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妈妈和爸爸面面相觑。Mum and Dad exchanged glances.

宾客们都不禁面面相觑。The guests looked at each other.

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大家面面相觑,不知道该怎么回答。We looked not know how to answer.

贾斯帕和我面面相觑。Jasper and I looked at each other.

一时间,父母面面相觑,沉默不语。我父母相对而视,默默无语。My parents stared at each other in silence for a while.

我们哑口无言,像愚笨的动物痴望人类一样面面相觑。We gaze at each other as dumb animals gaze at human beings.

所有年轻的老鼠都安静了下来,大家只是面面相觑。All the young mice were silent, and only looked at one another.

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他们对他感到敬畏,彼此面面相觑,露出不安的钦佩之情。They were awed by him and looked at each other in uneasy admiration.

哥儿俩面面相觑,同时点了点头,可是并不了解其中的奥妙。The twins looked at each other and nodded, but without comprehension.

我们这几个大人面面相觑,他们几年级学习百分比的概念?We adults look at each other. In which grade do they study percentages?

每当听到罗伯特这样自言自语,我和弗雷德只有面面相觑。Fred and I will just look at each other when he Robert makes one of these remarks.

我跟琳达面面相觑,要知道我们希望自己的女儿在欢笑声中出生。Linda and I looked at each other. We wanted our daughters to be born intolaughter!

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我和翻译面面相觑接着结结巴巴地很抱歉地说我们办不到。My translator and I looked at each other and stammered an apology, unable to help.

吉英和伊丽莎白面面相觑,便打发那个堂倌走开。Jane and Elizabeth looked at each other, and the waiter was told that he need not stay.

当这一席话说出来之后,这三位绅士茫然若失地面面相觑。The three gentlemen looked at each other with blank faces when these words were uttered.

大家面面相觑心想怎会这样,于是大家仔细看著字幕机查看有没有异常现象。Puzzled, they put the autocue under scrutiny to see if there was anything unusual about it.

众人面面相觑,原来是那位实信会牧师,约翰格里生。They all looked at one another. It was the preacher from the True Believers, John Garrison.

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众人面面相觑。卡洛塔的嗓音怎么了?那个陌生的杂音——科-艾克是什么?Everybody stared. What was the matter with Carlotta's voice? What was that strange noise-Co-ack?

杰夫和我面面相觑,眼睛大汽车灯,我敢打赌地雷一样大。Jeff and I looked at each other, his eyes were as large as Volkswagen head lights, I bet mine were just as big.

他身后那群人先是踌躇不前,疑惑地面面相觑,然后又尴尬地跟在他后面。The group of men behind him hesitated, glanced questioningly at one another, and awkwardly followed his example.