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他们住在一个逼仄的小套间里。They live in a poky little flat.

大型城市或工业增长逼仄的地方小型低地。Large-scale urban or industrial growth is cramped by the small, local lowlands.

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一是香港半数市民都住在逼仄的政府公房内。One is that half of hong kong 's citizens are herded into cramped government flats.

友谊需要自由,不只是限定在逼仄的围墙中”。Friendship loves free air, and will not be fenced up in straight and narrow enclosures.

伴随着理学的兴盛,文章之学的生存空间日渐逼仄。With the prosperity of Confucianism, the survival space for traditional literature became narrower.

我无声地在逼仄的田塍上徜徉,在天蓝地碧的日子里发出有力的叹息。Wandering on narrow field ridges in silence, I uttered a deep sigh in the days of blue sky and green land.

在越来越物质化的空间里,逼仄人的是人疲惫而荒凉的心灵。In the more and more materialize space, compels the narrow person is the human exhausted and the bleak mind.

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春天,即便是英国海岸上那些晦暗逼仄的街道,也无法拒绝它的到来。As for spring, not even the narrow and gloomy streets round the Bank of England are quite able to exclude it.

虽然他的手很冰冷,虽然手套里的空间很逼仄,但是我却体会到了和其他女生一样的甜蜜。While his hands are cold, although the glove of the space is very cramped, but I can feel and other girls sweet.

资源缺乏,生存环境益逼仄,使得许多市民对于外来人口十分焦虑。Lack of resources and ever more cramped living conditions make many residents anxious about the migrant population.

一位叫Cody的读者最近给我们发来了一封电子邮件,垂询我们对如何在这些逼仄的地方过活有什么建议。Reader Cody recently e-mailed us asking if we had any advice to share on how to handle life in these tight living quarters.

消费社会、读图时代、大众狂欢、文学末路,这一切都在逼仄着电视艺术的天地。Consumer society, interpret drawings age, popular carnival, literary dead end, all this cramped the space of the television arts.

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我在中国的这段时间里,我一直在问自己为什么能够容忍中国——拥挤的公车、逼仄的街道以及把每一个西方人都当成目标的小商贩。In my time here I question why I tolerate China – the crowded buses, packed streets, vendors who see every Westerner as their next target.

由于学习压力大,人际交往空间逼仄,存在着严重的心理问题,耐挫能力差。Owing to the great pressure of study, a lack of contact with people, and poor ability to bear frustration, many youngesters have mental problems.

一般而言,缅族人生活在河谷区,而像克伦人、克伦尼人、掸族人,以及克钦人这样的少数民族,则生活在崎岖逼仄的山区。In general, ethnic Burmans live in the valley, and the minority ethnic groups such as the Karen, Karenni, Shan, and Kachin live in the sprawling hill country.

这样既可以防止外气从大门直冲入客厅,同时也可令狭窄的玄关不显得太逼仄。The gas outside can preventing already so from the gate straight irruptive sitting room, also can make at the same time narrow porch does not appear too narrow.

绝望之后继以艳羡,艳羡这些逼仄于历史旮旯里的人,终于等来好事者如我的一两次光顾。Despair of the follow-up to envy, envy of those cramped Gala Li people in history has finally come to people's hearts softened so as I have one or two to patronize.

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这些建筑常常有高高的柱子、飞拱、高耸的尖塔和逼仄的窗子,所有这些都构造出竖线,看上去,都突出来与地表垂直。Unusually tall columns, flying buttresses, towering spires, and narrow windows, all create vertical lines that appear to jut out perpendicular to the surface of the Earth.

身为丑女,在这个被挤压得十分逼仄的生存和发展空间里,要想求得一席之地,我只有凭借自己的内在实力,并且注定要在工作上比别人付出更多。As ugly, in the extrusion very narrow the survival and development of the space, want to for a place, and I'm only on their own inner strength, and was destined to work than others pay more.

逼仄诡异的天野下方,一条晶莹剔透的雨龙咆哮飞舞,越过白衣青年射向对面的银袍男子。Force Ze uncanny sky of wild under, Nike Mercurial Victory TF, a radiant and highly acute rain rant dragon dances in the wind and cross the pearly dress youth to shot into opposite silver tunic man.