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弱肉强食的海底世界,您也快来探索吧!Law of the jungle world of the ocean floor, you come and explore!

山姆钟情于海洋所谓“丑陋”和弱肉强食的一面。Sam's interest tends towards the reputedly 'ugly' and predatory side of the sea.

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边沁坚定地确信,这并不会意味着倒退到弱肉强食的丛林道路上。Bentham was firmly convinced that this would not mean a reversion to the ways of the jungle.

两份文书都对适者生存的弱肉强食社会观念提出挑战。Both documents challenge the notion of a dog-eat-dog society, where survival of the fittest reigns.

随后进入了铁器时代,生命在人们眼中变得更加珍贵了,但是那仍是一个弱肉强食的时代。Then there was the Iron Age—and while life was more precious, still the strong lorded it over the weak.

如果进化论是讲适者生存,在弱肉强食的自然界,动物怎么能进化出道德情感?If evolution is survival of the fittest, nature red in tooth and claw, how could animals evolve moral feelings?

人类现在在改变弱肉强食的法则,他们用不应该死的动物用来做实验,将其折磨致死。Humans now change the law of the jungle, they used to do experiments with should not dead animal, betortured to death.

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所以,我们也不能运用自己所订下的仁义等行为标准,去评论弱肉强食的自然现象。So we don't comment on natural phenomenon of the law of jungle according to our moral criterion of kindness and incumbency.

如果宗教和理性都被世人所摒弃,那么世间就只剩下了权力和欲望,而这世间唯一准则就只剩下了弱肉强食If both religion and reason are removed, all that remains is will and power, where the only law is the law of tooth and claw.

理想主义派的你在这个弱肉强食的世界可能会碰到难以维持原则的困境,不过你一定要坚守自己的立场!As an idealistic type, you could face difficulties maintaining your principles in a dog-eat-dog world, but stick to your guns!

海盗的世界弱肉强食,在广东一带的海域,由红旗帮和黑旗帮各占鳌头,互不相让。Pirates of the jungle world, in the guangdong area of sea, the red flag help each of these, and the black flag to outdo each other.

上海,这座开放的大都市中人欲横流、竞争激烈、弱肉强食,它一直都是中国九年制义务教育的领头羊。And Shanghai, an open and cosmopolitan city that is boundlessly ambitious and fiercely competitive, has always been China's K-9 education leader.

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比如,动物在生态环境中,它们存在弱肉强食、生存竞争,那是它们的生存状态。For instance, in the ecology environment of animals, there exists the law of the jungle and survival competition, and that is their survival state.

然后,曾经帮助他从弱肉强食的好莱坞幸存下来的贫民窟里的坚韧使他拿起了电话,要一辆车带他到飞机场。And then the gutter toughness that had helped him survive the jungle of Hollywood made him pick up the phone and call for a car to take him to the airport.

通过对仆人善、恶转变过程的心理描写,完成了对人类利己主义之恶性循环过程的剖析,同时也再现了芥川龙之介眼中的资本主义社会弱肉强食的逻辑。The description of the psychological change of the servant from good to bad brings to light the selfishness of man and the law of jungle in capitalist society.

行人就只得沿着小路边缘行走,无论是汽车、摩托车还是自行车都遵循着弱肉强食的法则,毫不留情地挤压行人。Pedestrians, for their part, are forced onto the fringes of byways, where automobiles, motorcycles and bicycles seem to follow the law of the jungle and yield them no quarter.

熊皮毯是他一件引以自豪的礼物。而它时常震撼地暗示着人们,北极熊生存于一个弱肉强食的环境中并随时受到任人宰割的威胁,而许多南方人却只觉得北极熊是全球气候变化的典型受害者。It is a jolting reminder that the polar bear, which many southerners view as an iconic victim of climate change, is seen in its natural habitat as a predator and a source of meat.