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买个还过得去的相机。Use a decent camera.

亲家母…你真的好买相机了!You very often get it.

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这架相机漏光。The camera leaks light.

不要忘带相机。And don’t omit a camera.

她的相机容易上胶卷。Her camera loads easily.

这相机漏光。This camera leaks light.

所以别忘了带台相机!So, don't forget a camera!

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您拿相机做何用?How Will You Use the Camera?

这个相机是纪念品。This camera is for souvenir.

折出一台纸针孔相机!How to Fold a Pinhole Camera?

请用相机试拍一下。Please take a photo for trial.

别摆弄我的相机!Stop monkeying with my camera!

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谁乱动我的相机了?Who interfered with my camera?

我用的是一部哈苏相机。I shoot on a Hasselblad camera.

她在相机前摆出做作的姿势。She postured before the camera.

请用相机摄,不要用枪射。Shot, with camera, without gun.

这是架宝丽来快速相机。This is a Polaroid Land camera.

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但有条件的时候,最好关掉相机出去走走,熟悉一下新环境,感受你所在的新地方吧。Get a feel for your new location.

这台相机里有胶卷吗?。Is there any film in this camera?

这个相机是我私人实际运用的。The arrivedra is to my manal use.