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唯物主义的危险。The dangers of materialism.

这是个唯物主义的观念This is a materialist view.

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这是唯物主义的观点。This is a materialist view.

但是肚皮给了我最唯物主义的教育。But Kyte gave me the most materialistic lessons.

因此,它是涌现唯物主义的子分支。Hence, it is a sub-branch of emergent materialism.

他自以为爱好文学和唯物主义。He made pretensions to literature and to materialism.

唯物主义与梦也已不再对立。No longer is materialism and dreaming at loggerheads.

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而世俗唯物主义的虚无也是他的抨击目标。He criticised too the emptiness of secular materialism.

也就是说,唯物主义和二元论都是错误的。In other words, materialists and dualists are both wrong.

这明显也是唯物主义的,社会层面的观点。It is obviously also the materialist, or, social position.

取消主义是一种激进的、极端的唯物主义主张。Eliminativism is a radical and extreme form of materialism.

我已经用经验代替了唯物主义。I’ve shoved away materialism, replacing it with experiences.

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杰拉德被她话语中流露出的庸俗唯物主义惹恼了。Gerald was nettled by this implication of vulgar materialism.

我们正在学习马克思主义辨证唯物主义哲学。We are learning the Marxist philosophy of dialectical materialism.

在演说中,教皇集中批评现代唯物主义的弊病。In his homily the Pontiff focused on the ills of modern materialism.

哲学唯物主义的对应面即哲学唯心主义。The opposite of philosophical materialism is philosophical idealism.

我们要反对主观主义,就要宣传唯物主义,就要宣传辩证法。To combat subjectivism we must propagate materialism and dialectics.

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关系论是实践唯物主义和皮亚杰学说的精华。Relationalism is the essence of practical materialism and Piagets theory.

它能看成是对乔布斯作为纯唯物主义的全新表达的颂扬么?Could it be that the eulogies for Jobs are a new expression of pure materialism?

他们只是把自我从唯物主义中剔除出去却从唯心主义上重新依附于它。They simply detach their egos from materialism and re-attach it to spiritualism.