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在我不再递增变量之前,你知道的。OK. So now you've seen two simple examples.

第二部分是递增容度。The second part is the increasing capacities.

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南从北方,从南往北递增。South line from the North, from south to north.

他们往往假定机会成本是递增的。They have tended to assume increasing opportunity costs.

旗叶净光合强度及叶绿素含量均呈递增趋势。The NAR and chlorophyll content of the flag-leaf all increased.

每个周期中元素的质子数从左到右递增。In each period, the atomic number of each element is increasing.

这个值是基于时钟的分辨率单调递增的。This value is monotonically increasing at the rate of the clock.

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而前置递增直接在原值上递增。While pre- incrementation increases the original value directly.

对接口的递增更改更加难于管理。Incremental changes to the interface are more difficult to manage.

学生体质健康不达标率逐年递增,学生的肥胖率逐年增长。The general ratio of not reaching standard increases year by year.

这是通过迭代递增地工作来实现的。This can be accomplished by working iteratively and incrementally.

排序不会区分大小写,并且依照字母的递增顺序。The sort is case-insensitive and in alphabetically ascending order.

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价跌持仓量小幅递增,空单布局动作仍在。Modest incremental price drop positions, empty single layout still in.

价稳持仓量续递增,多单回笼积极布局。Price increments until stable positions, single back to active layout.

通过在每次迭代发布递增的用户价值获得反馈。Enable feedback by delivering incremental user value in each iteration.

呼气逐渐递增,感觉越像深呼吸。Br2-4, gradually increasing the breath, feeling more like a deep breath.

平均日增长量全期有递增的趋势。The daily average growth rises gradually as the growing period proceeds.

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如果一个序列呈递增或递减变化,我们都可以称其为单调变化。A sequence is called monotonic if it is increasing or if it is decreasing.

在这些患者中舒尼替尼和卡培他滨的剂量逐步递增。Sunitinib and capecitabine doses were escalated in serial patient cohorts.

这就意味着平均发病年龄在1960年是73岁,然而到1990年会递增到79岁。The mean age in the 1960s was 73 years to a mean of 79 years in the 1990s.