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但我对仅仅植树造林就能解决问题表示怀疑。But I doubt whether forestation alone will solve the problem.

通过植树造林和避免乱砍滥伐减少碳排放。Carbon reduction through reforestation and avoided deforestation.

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植树造林,功在当代,利在千秋。Forestation accomplished now will benefit our future generations.

我们的步伐已经迈出,关注清新空气和植树造林。We've already taken several steps, focusing on clean air and trees.

专家认为中国必须推行大规模的植树造林计划。Experts argue that China must introduce a massive forestation program.

三是植树造林,增强森林储碳能力。Thirdly, to increase afforestation to enhance carbon storage of forests.

自今年3月以来,大众汽车开始在内蒙古大规模植树造林。Since March, Volkswagen has been planting thousands of trees in Inner Mongolia.

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政府和普通群众便开始在春天植树造林。Then the government and the ordinary people started to plant trees in the spring.

绿色工程做欠好,就不行能有好的生态零碎,因而植树造林是全天下的目的。Green project done, there can be no good ecosystem, the afforestation in the world.

环境问题以前只是热衷植树造林的人经常提起的话题,但现在却占据了报纸的头版。Environmental issues, once the sole realm of tree huggers, dominate headlines today.

为了解决侵蚀问题,大面积的适宜荒山已经植树造林。To tackle the erosion problem, a large area of suitable mountains has been reforested.

我们接受生态遭受破坏的事实,但我们准备留出更多的土地植树造林。We accept there is ecological damage, but we are prepared to leave more land forested.

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大面积植树造林绿化国土是跨世纪中国的一大课题。Land of afforest of large area afforestation is the one big task that crosses century China.

在中纬度地区大力提倡植树造林以减缓气候变化。Afforestation has been promoted heaily in mid-latitudes as a means of mitigating climate change.

在中纬度地区大力提倡植树造林以减缓气候变化。Afforestation has been promoted heavily in mid-latitudes as a means of mitigating climate change.

植树造林是改善非理想人居环境的又一重要措施。The afforestation is also one of the important measures to improve the nonideal human settlement.

总结今天的活动,感觉意义上还是满大的,因为可以植树造林,造福人类。All in all, the activity was meaningful. Because we've planted trees and benefited the human beings.

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进一步去植树造林,以创造新的农田可产生不利影响的环境和气候。Further de- forestation to create new farmland could negatively affect the environment and the climate.

所以我们必须尽可能多的植树造林以及加入那些制定计划阻止风沙狂舞的项目。So we must plant trees as more as possible and join to the project which make plans to stop the sand-flying.

通过植树造林或者再造林等政策减少碳排放量。Strategies to reduce carbon emissions through community afforestation and reforestation projects are required.