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搜捕工作变得更加紧张。The manhunt has become more intense.

警方正在镇上搜捕那个逃犯。The police are beating the town for the escapee.

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警察们正在森林中搜捕匪徒。The policemen were hunting gangsters in the forest.

德国警方的搜捕足迹从西班牙踏及到南美。The hunt has taken them from Spain to South America.

警方已大举搜捕抢劫金条的罪犯。Police have launched a man-hunt for the bullion robbers.

一个全国搜捕骚扰儿童的行动告一段落。A nationwide manhunt for an alleged child molester is over.

一次对所谓未成年人性骚扰的全国性搜捕运动结束了。A nationwide manhunt for an alleged child molester is over.

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在搜捕中,警察捕获了五名疑为贩毒集团成员的持枪歹徒。Police detained five alleged drug cartel gunmen in the raid.

挥交通、检查建筑物、寻找逃学学生和搜捕逃犯。Traffic, inspect buildings, and locate truants and runaways.

这次搜捕行动是哈马斯加强镇压法塔赫的一部分。The raid is part of an intensifying Hamas crackdown on Fatah.

迈克听说警方正在搜捕他,就逃跑了。Mike ran off when he heard that the police were hunting for him.

加尼将军说,他的军队正在搜捕法扎拉赫。Commander General Ghani says his forces are looking for Fazalullah.

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烈酒走私者得到风声说将对他们开展搜捕。The moonshiners had been tipped off that they were about to be raided.

其中三人被逮捕,漏网的一人正在被搜捕人员追查。Three people are under arrest with investigators looking for a fourth.

警方的搜捕表明战后抓捕纳粹战犯的硝烟未散。Their search is the last gasp of the post-war hunt for Nazi war criminals.

烈酒走私者得到风声说将对他们开展搜捕。The moonshiners had been tipped off that they were Lovely about to be raided.

他表示,政变策划者正在搜捕他,但他现在在“一个安全的地方”。He said the coup- plotters were hunting for him, but he was in "a safe place".

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在法国南部和瑞士,大规模搜捕女巫的行动开始出现。Witch-hunts first appeared in large numbers in southern France and Switzerland.

有一天,国王进行大搜捕回来,他命令号手吹号。One day the king returned home from a good raid. He ordered his trumpeters to play.

周默涵低估了接头人的能力,他不建议大加搜捕。Zhou Mohan underestimated the capacity of the joint man, he was not recommended for.