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谁顺手带走了我的笔?Who walked away with my pen?

在回家的路上顺手摘几朵花Pick wildflowers on the way home.

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人体工学造型,使用更顺手。Ergonomic shape for easy to handle.

电钻用起来一样顺手而且更为安静。This works just as well and it's more quiet.

我有正巧有多余的拷贝,就顺手送给了他。I had an extra copy and just handed it to him.

梁丽像往常一样,顺手清理走了这个小纸箱。Liang, as usual, easy to clear away the small cardboard box.

顺手招来一辆出租车往伊尚画室驶去。Smoothly to provoke a taxi fled the studio is still in Iraq.

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“好的,妈妈。”我答复道,顺手把洋葱又塞进冰箱。"Yes, Mom, "I answer, shoving the scallions back into the fridge.

于是再次激醒对枪械的热爱,那就顺手牵来了。Then again, wake up excited love of guns, then smoothly pull come.

邮件收发可能不那么顺手,除非你另外花钱买个物理键盘。Email can be awkward, unless you pay extra for a physical keyboard.

她在提包里翻找时,顺手把孩子放在了柜台上面。Child was plumped down on the counter while she rummaged in her bag.

这涉及到控制,我一边想着,一边顺手就把衣服放回抽屉。It comes down to control, I think, shoving things back into drawers.

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顺手从水里捞上一棵菱角来,菱角还很嫩很小,乳白色。One of them scooped up a water chestnut, still tiny and milky white.

后来爸把他那根胡桃棍儿使得太顺手,我简直受不了啦。By and by papa got too handy with his hickory and I couldn't stand it.

出发之前,他顺手提了一个五加仑的桶,想要摘回一些水果吃。Before he went, he grabbed a five-gallon bucket to bring back some fruit.

江淹听了,就顺手从怀里取出一支五色笔来还他。Jiang Yan heard, they dig out from his arms, he is also a five-color pen.

新型的遥控装置更加信息化,安全,用起来也很顺手。New remote controls are much more informative, safe and comfortable to use.

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她去柜台后面倒白兰地,顺手将音量调大了一些。On her way behind the counter to pour the cognac Tereza turned the volume up.

但也会有一两个,有一次我看到了一个人,感到无聊,就顺手让他去见阎王爷了。But also have one or two, I once saw a man, bored, conveniently let him to hell.

资讯中心特此请求各使用者在使用完毕后顺手关掉投影机及电脑。CSC hereby requests the users to turn off the projectors and computers after use.