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多谢,师兄,我明白。Thanks, Ci-hing, I understand.

俺有一个师兄姓庖名丁,每日要做"解牛"的工作,也就是说是个屠夫。I have a co-worker named Paoding.

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那大师兄有否在江湖上遇到什么红颜知己?Then did Big bro meet any girl out there?

你的师兄已经达到一个新层次。Your fellow apprentice has achieved a new level.

在此,再次感谢我们的师兄赵进,感谢他给我们带来的精彩内容。Hereon , let's thanked Zhao Jin again for his excellent speech.

但不知左师兄对‘无量玉壁’的钻研,这五年来可已大有心得么?But how about your studying the Wuliang jade in the recent five years?

师兄们站成一排,将鱼儿一条一条往江中放。Everyone stood in a row, and put the fishes into the river one by one.

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于是班祥命密月出宫寻找后者师兄赤飞。So class life on a secret bransh for the latter senior red fly palace.

如遇规则不明须协助,请电游仲雄师兄。If you are unclear about the rules, please call John Yu for assistance.

汤姆·布洛考和亚伯拉罕·林肯的师兄Someone who was a senior when Tom Brokaw and Abraham Lincoln were freshmen.

让人惊讶的是,表现最一致的投手竟然是方师兄。Surprisingly, the most consistent pitcher of the night was Kyle Farnsworth.

感谢沈振宇师兄,帮我搭建我的个人主页!Thanks to Shen2 for helping me with my homepage I will update it regularly!

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请各位师兄提出更好的建议来运转语音室!Ask each senior to put forward the better suggestion to revolve speech room!

但师佛却表示尧中师兄可能过不了这次的灾难了。However GM said that Yew Chung might not be able to pass this calamity this time.

此外,多年来尧中师兄更是发心出力维护真佛宗的传承、协助宗派的发展。In addition, through years, he has been guarding GM's linkage and helping TBS to grow.

李说他们的店经营了四年以上,他是从一个毕业的师兄手中接手的。Li said he carried on the condom shop lasting for over four years from his graduated fellow.

英语武林的"五大门派"之中,俺感到和蔼可亲的是俺的英语师兄李洋和师叔钟道隆Of the five English study sects, I feel Brother Li Yang and Uncle Zhong Daolong most amiable.

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上个礼拜那位黄女士再度打电话来,是陈师兄接的。When Laywoman Huang called on the telephone last week, it was speaker Chen who took the call.

穆雪飞却对他讨厌至极,因为她的心里早就有了一个人,那就是师兄黄鸣锋。MuXueFei but hate for him, because her heart would have had a person, thats brother huang feng.

在研究院做实习自然会有一些比较繁琐的工作,不过师兄还是感到比较有兴趣做研究、论。Though there were numerous fussy works to do during exercitation, he was still very interested.