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一个斑驳又破碎的梦境。A mottled and broken dreams.

斑斑驳驳,生意葱茏。To mark or mottle with spots.

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阳光透过树叶,显得斑驳。Sunlight was dappling through leaves.

斑驳的渔船在海上行进。The mottled fishing boats move along.

尽管古柏树身斑斑驳驳。Although the body of the tree is mottled.

陈旧古老的寺庙,斑驳残破的神像。Archaic temples, mottled wreck of the gods.

多么轻,睡在这斑驳的星灿。How light the sleeping on this soil y star.

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墙壁的蓝色剥落得斑斑驳驳。The blue paint on the wall is peeling and cracked.

月光下的树影斑驳了多久时间。Under the mottled shade of the moon how long time.

是斑驳油彩还是一个带有神秘微笑的女人?As blobs of paint or as a woman with an enigmatic smile?

只是,时间流转,灯影残缺,今夕见时,已有斑驳。Just, time passed, the rundown, going to see, have deep.

一个保护色的身形在阳光斑驳的阴影中移动。Acamouflaged shape moving through the sun-dappled shadows.

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衬托着人像背后的斑驳墙垣上,一个很大的圆圈,轮廓分明。There was distinctly a big round hole in the mottled wall.

枕河人家如墨色般倒影在黑白斑驳的光影中。Reflection of old housing as black and white ink paintings.

棕色的本挠了挠他斑灰白斑驳的胡须。Brown Ben scratched at his speckled grey-and-white whiskers.

喷口基部的白色斑驳是原核生物丛聚。White patches at the base of the chimney are microbial mats.

那么解释一下你是怎样将斑驳油彩看作一个微笑的。Now explain how you came to see those blobs of paint as a smile.

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灰色的墙壁年代已久,因潮湿已经显得斑斑驳驳。The gray walls are discolored by damps , and crumbling with age.

同楼下大厅一样,斑驳的墙上漆在脱落。As in the downstairs lobby , what was left of the paint was pling.

同楼下大厅一样,斑驳的墙上漆在脱落。As in the downstairs lobby, what was left of the paint was peeling.