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某人到一家脱衣舞俱乐部消遣。A man went to a strip club.

我公馀时间读书以消遣。I spent my off-hour reading.

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这些是健康的消遣活动。These are healthy amusements.

他乱涂乱画作为消遣。He daubed away for relaxation.

打高尔夫球是他的消遣之一。Golf is one of his relaxations.

网聊就是消遣时间。To chat online is a time-waster.

有什么消遣吗?What do you amuse yourself with?

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我们每天工作完毕后都要作些消遣。We recreated after work every day.

你在空闲时,有何消遣?What do you do in your spare time?

滑雪橇?你消遣洒家呢吧?With a sleigh, are you kidding me?

自由设计算是苦差还是一种消遣?Is it drudgery or a stress-free job?

那是他非常喜欢的消遣之一。It's one of his favorite relaxations.

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那是他最喜欢的消遣之一。It’s one of his favorite relaxations.

我学法语只是为了消遣。I decided to learn French just for fun.

写博客真的是种有价值的消遣么?Is blogging really a valuable pasttime?

我们常常以下棋作为消遣。We often recreated ourselves with chess.

太阳下山后我到喜欢的酒馆去消遣。I unwind at my favourite pub after sunset.

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消遣娱乐应该健康向上,不能低级邪恶。Let your recreations be manful not sinful.

电影娱乐是市民喜爱的一种消遣。Cinema-going is a popular leisure activity.

退休后他以养花种草作为消遣。He takes up gardening after his retirement.