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他的论文尚需润饰。His essay needs polishing.

选择润饰工具。Selects the Retouch tools.

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他的言语需加润饰。His speech needs polishing.

老年润饰一切。Old age embellishes everything.

它们被改变或润饰的程度如何?How much were they altered or embellished?

他给这副画作了几笔最后的润饰。He gave the picture a few finishing touches.

我们也将要求你润饰这些图片。We will also ask you to retouch these pictures.

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不要再刻意润饰各种一塌糊涂的信息了。Stop obfuscating the information and embellishing it.

他写了一篇文章,然后数易其稿加以润饰。He wrote an article, then buffed it up through several drafts.

一旦图像润饰,我们更需要一些修改完成。Once the image is retouched, we need a few more revisions done.

嗨,我正在寻找一个摄影艺术家润饰工作几张照片。Hi, I'm looking for a photo retouch artist to work on several photos.

一个或两个小针孔,都是我可以找到需要润饰。One or two small pinholes were all I could find that need touching up.

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在第二份草稿中,您可以对您的描述进行改进并润饰。In the second draft, you can refine and polish the way you've expressed it.

“完全”为了对“不全”的爱,把自身润饰藻饰得锦绣。The perfect decks itself in hereasarizonaementsome for the love of the Imperfect.

可你又强调形式与诗体论对润饰修改诗的重要性。Yet you also stress the importance of forms and prosody in polishing and revising poetry.

只是找到了一种方法来慰藉孤独,然后用“友情”这个美丽的辞藻来润饰而已。We just find a way to console loneliness and, use the beautiful word "friendship" to retouch it.

事实上,你的个人工作记录能很好的帮助你润饰你的简历。In fact, your personal work documentation is a great way to look for ideas to spiff up your resume.

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英国威廉王子办公室日前坦承,威廉的两张官方订婚照在发布前都经过了图片润饰处理。William's office says the couple's 2 official portraits underwent retouching before they were released.

这样加以润饰,就使安娜博尔和米吉在做这个游戏时心安理得,毫无内疚。These embroideries permitted Annabel and Midge to play their game in the luxury of peaceful consciences.

那不加润饰的文风给后世译经事业留下一个好榜样。The writing style without polished have set us a good example to the aftertime translation of Scriptures.