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消费者并非低能儿。The consumer is not a moron.

阿甘是个智商只有75的低能儿。Forrest gump's IQ only 75 moron.

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他天生是个低能儿。He was born a mentally retarded boy.

这是无论在对低能儿的故事。This is true in the tales about the Changeling.

对于工作一点不含糊,可是对于恋爱完全是低能儿。She's a professional in work but a novice in love.

人是聪敏的动物表现如低能儿。Man is a clever animal who behaves like an imbecile.

我们都是些低能儿,需要精英来指点江山?Are we all so unintelligent that we need an elitist to comment on national affairs?

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你是第一个在这里开始使用“低能儿,失败者,不值”等脏话的人。You are the one who started to use bad language here 'moron, loser, worthless, etc.

你这低能儿!汔车人一定会在轴动变形武器里装置追踪系统。You Imbedle! The Autobots are sure to have implemented a tracing system in their Mechtech.

驾车时踩油门,硬刹车和反复踩油门是低能儿的驾驶风格。Flooring the gas pedal, braking hard and flooring it again through traffic is the driving style of a moron.

中国文化在现代化方面可能是低能儿,在后现代方面则可能会受人青睐。Chinese culture in modernization of infants may be low, while in the post-modern people may be affected by favor.

还有一些低能儿,语言能力不比你我差,只是不知道自己究竟要说什么罢了。There are also some retards who probably speak better English than us but have no idea what they are talking about.

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不去实践,认识得再彻底,最多是学校的高才生,社会的低能儿罢了。Not practice, a further thorough understanding, is the largest school leavers, community feeblemindedness abuse them.

在对付这种案件中,印度警方和政客都是低能儿,法律和法院形同摆设。在每一座城市的每一个信号灯处,你都能发现大量的流浪儿童。Indian police, law, court and politician is just dumb in such cases. You will find lot of children on each signal of each city.

这个记者一看就是个脑残低能儿。这说明BBC还是很崇高的,他们为智障人士提供了平等的就业机会。Looking at this guy I can tell that he's retarded . BBC really is great, they provide equal opportunity for mentally disabled people.

在南边,西班牙需要一位正统的哈布斯堡王朝继承人,而他们现任的那位查理二世只是个软弱无能的低能儿,这意味着有一天波旁王朝的后裔将可能会在马德里手握权杖。To the south, the lack of a Hapsburg heir in Spain – and the feeblemindedness of Charles II – means that a Bourbon could one day rule in Madrid.

知道他新买的壁纸是可洗的,低能儿太高兴了。但在第一次洗的时候他就狂怒了,因为壁纸从晾衣绳上碎成了碎片。Delighted to learn that his new wallpaper was washable, the moron was furious when the very first time he washed it, it was snatched from the clothesline.

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当市场经济的狂热信徒们从看不见的手的魔力中看到机会时,那些低能儿却认为这是一种威胁。Where the high priests of the dismal science see opportunity through the magic of the market’s invisible hand, Joe Sixpack sees a threat to his livelihood.

客人安东尼奥表示,该酒吧点子不错,“下班进来后,你就可以破口大骂了,骂他们是狗娘养的或是低能儿。”"When you come in after work, you can swear at them and call them bastard or imbecile, " said client Antonio Ossa, who said the promotion seemed like a good idea to him.

日本当局此举已经清楚的表明了他们是不能正确估计形势和自身可悲处境的政治低能儿。The Japanese authorities have thus clearly proved themselves that they are political imbeciles incapable of judging the trend of the situation and their deplorable position.