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我们放泥土在矩形碟子里面。We put dirt in square trays.

在编辑器窗口中的矩形字段。Rect field in an Editor Window.

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未来,创造一个红色矩形框。Next, create a red rectangular box.

梨中,以矩形或加长。Form pyriform to oblong or elongated.

娘亲的,居然是矩形的!苹果又要起诉啦!Oh shit, it's a rectangle! Apple sue!

到目前为止,我们所呈现的仅仅是一个静态的矩形框。So far, that's just a static rectangle.

这种换流器是矩形波控制。The inverter is square-wave controlled.

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于是我们可以算出这样一张矩形汽泡纸的体积为54.3立方厘米。This gives a volume per sheet of 54.3 cm3.

矩形,搐方形具有四滚边的方形,孕四个直角。A four-sided plane figure with four angles.

矩形网格上二维分配职位。Allocate positions on a rectangular 2d grid.

这会令一矩形的选择。This will make a selection of the rectangle.

如果四个角均为直角,该图为矩形。It is a rectangle if the four angles square.

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可指定是圆形管或矩形管。Circular or rectangular duct can be specified.

这是由旋转产生的,但基本上是个矩形。It is rotated, but it is basically a rectangle.

表单的设计视图显示矩形网格。The form's design view shows rectangular cells.

用于文本区域在屏幕上矩形的位置。Rectangle on the screen to use for the textArea.

矩形,长方形具有四个边的方形,有四个直角。A four-sided plane figure with four right angles.

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这样应当会在行星四周生成一个矩形选区。This should bring up a marquee around the planet.

阙基为整块石料凿成,平面呈矩形。JueJi for the entire block stone hewn a rectangular, plane.

你将可以使用鼠标选取一个矩形框。This will allow you to select a rectangle using your mouse.