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至交是出生时上天忘了赐予我们的同胞手足。Bestfriends are the siblings god forgot to give us.

有至交者,自然享有友情之乐。People who have close friends naturally enjoy their company.

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4个圣诞节以前,我的一个至交结束了他自己的生命。Four Christmases ago, a very dear friend of mine took his own life.

迈克是罗尼的办公厅主任,也是我们家的至交。Mike was Ronnie's deputy chief of staff, and a close family friend.

至少要寻觅爱人、朋友或至交做你全天候的戒烟支持者。At least looking for love, friends or close friend to be your all-weather supporters to quit smoking.

朋友间真正的对话是无声的。并非话语,而靠心领神会才可算是至交。The real conversations between friends is silent. Is not a word, and on the message to be best friends.

我和黄盖是至交,所以替他来送信,不知丞相肯收留他吗?Since I am his good friend, I have come here with his letter, and I want to know if you will accept his offer or not.

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此后,他和这匹马成了终身至交,布塞弗勒斯也将成为史上最为人所著称的马。From that moment on, the two will form a lifelong bond, and Bucephalus will become one of the most famous horses in history.

这对夫妻几乎没有什么至交或知己依然在世,而他们在后纳粹时期的德国也不可能会说出实话的。The couple had few surviving intimates and confidants, most of whom were unlikely to be truthful in post-Nazi Germany anyhow.

它们只是我个人的一些想法,与我就职的公司、朋友、亲戚、至交或虚构的公司都没有关系。The ideas expressed here are solely my own and not those of my employer, friends, relatives, alter egos, or imaginary companions.

我们在米尔顿写给他的至交查尔斯迪奥达蒂的信中可以再一次看到他想要写出一篇史诗的动机。We will hear again of Milton's intention to write an epic in a versified letter that he writes to his best friend, Charles Diodati.

作品对于好的艺术家来说等于是他们的灵魂,而且通常因为害羞而不好意思对人展示他们的作品,除非你和他们是至交。Good artists are usually too embarrassed to show their work to anyone unless you are intimate with them , since their work is their soul.

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他是高个子约翰西尔弗的至交,因此一提到他的名字,就让我跟着说到我们船的厨子,“大叉烧”,人们那样称呼他。He was a great confidant of Long John Silver, and so the mention of his name leads me on to speak of our ship's cook, Barbecue, as the men called him.

唐代的悼亡诗创作是中国悼亡诗创作史上的第一座高峰,上至帝王将相,下至平民百姓,从至交好友到妻子儿女,甚至包括一些动植物都成为悼亡诗的涵盖对象。It was a creative peak of mourning poems in Tang dynasty. The poets wrote mourning poems for the emperor, common people, friends, wife, children and even animal and plant life.

代表性与死亡的冥王星落入第七宫,你的至交密友、一对一的关系就是你自我成长、转化、进化和渴望权力的领域。With the planet of sex and death in your seventh house, your intimate, one-to-one relationships are the arena of your personal growth, transformation, evolution, and aspirations for power.

配偶、亲人、父母亲、子女和至交好友,可能被他们正在进行的的性别转换搞得昏头转向,他们需要认识,并能支持正在发生的性别转化。Spouses, domestic partners, parents, children and close friends may be confused by the transition that is occurring and will need education and support to help them deal with what is happening.