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他老是宣扬他的公司。He always boost his company.

“所有它的做法是每个人都大肆宣扬了”。All it's doing is hyping everyone up.

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他宣扬谬误,诋毁真理。He preached error up, and truth down.

我们必须广泛地宣扬这次会议。We must publicize the meeting widely.

广告大肆宣扬那本书的优点。The ads ballyhooed the book's virtues.

又是一个销售代表宣扬地谬论。Another fallacy promoted by sales reps.

又是一个销售代表宣扬的谬论。Another fallacy promoted by sales reps.

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我们所依赖的观点他自己也加以宣扬。He himself advocates that we rely on it.

她到处宣扬她的发现。She blazed her discovery abroad everywhere.

很多伊斯兰教宗也宣扬非暴力。Most Islamic authorities preach non-violence.

湖人要是赢了,他们不停地宣扬,If the Lakers are winning, they're all over it.

这就是他们如何宣扬他们的人性。This is how they came to reclaim their humanity.

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这家报纸把那条消息以大字标题宣扬出去。The news was blazed in headline of the newspaper.

对于学院派经济学家们而言,宣扬忍耐是很容易的。It's easy for academic economists to preach patience.

报纸广告宣扬中国造汽车的优点。Newspaper ads plumped the virtues of China-made cars.

他是一个很有声望的人,因为他在全世界宣扬和平。Publicizes your old practice, don't you have a story?

这是宣扬迷信还是高深的科学?Is he propagandizing superstition or profound science?

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吹嘘自己博识,等于宣扬自己无知。He that boasts of his knowledge proclaim his ignorance.

朋友宣扬人的美德,敌人夸大人的罪过。——谚语。A frend exaggerates a man's virtue, an enemy his crimes.

我不需要大肆宣扬我害怕或者缺乏安全感。I have no need to advertise my fears or my insecurities.