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这首诗有五个小节。The poem has five stanzas.

第二章分四小节。Chapter 2 comprises four parts.

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本章又分三小节。This chapter divides three sections.

小节是章节的子元素。A section is a subelement of a chapter.

本小节讨论一些核心概念。This section covers some core concepts.

咱们只看,这一段,这个小节Let's focus just on that unit, that measure.

然后我们再开始数一下小节And then we'll go ahead and count some measures.

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每个小节的第一拍叫做重拍The first part of the bar is called the downbeat.

请参阅关于物化查询表的小节。Refer to the section on Materialized Query Tables.

为了能作到这一点,我们先要会数小节So to do that we've got to be able to count measures.

本小节演示如何注释服务。This section shows you how to annotate your services.

产品质量无小事,小节决定品质!Whether it is small or not, a detail decides quality!

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所以这一天也被称为“元小节日”在中国。So the day is also called Yuan Xiao Festival in China.

该章这一节里又分成几个小节。This division of the chapter has several subdivisions.

两个或四个小节长的短的音乐片断。A long sled made of two shorter sleds joined in tandem.

该小节没有什么有用的内容,感觉是被粗略带过了。It had a glossed-over feeling with little useful content.

下面的小节将深入讨论这些组件。The following sections discuss these components in depth.

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下一小节将详细解释如何使用它们。Then next section will explain in detail how to use them.

下面的小节描述如何克服这个问题。The following sections describe how to overcome this issue.

下一小节将解释每种文件系统的设计和优点。The next sections explain the design and advantages of each.