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到年底会怎样?At the end of the year?

到了1961年年底,我们订了一个完成日期。By late 1961, we had a target date.

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截至2009年年底,中国地铁总长已达933公里。China's subway reaches 933 km in 2009.

他在年底获得了双薪。He got double pay at the end of the year.

年底你会得到年终奖金。You'll get bonus at the end of each year.

了解月底及年底关账需懂事项。Month End and Year End Processing matters.

斑克松在2005年年底将被砍伐清除。The stand is to be destroyed by end of 2005.

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我的目标是在今年年底达到57英石。My goal is to be 57st by the end of the year.

我们将在今年年底前提供一切工作的1099。We will offer 1099 at end of year for all work.

年底个人的总结有无必要?Is it necessary to do year-end self evaluation ?

明天我终于能开始年底休假了。Tomorrow I can finally start my yearend vacation.

年底之前我们必须完成此项任务。We must complete the task by the end of thr year.

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但是到了年底的时候,体重往往会弹回来。But by the end the year, the weight usually returns.

这房子在年底以前可以造好。The house will be ready towards the end of the year.

快到年底时他得了腥红热。Towards the end of the year he caught scarlet fever.

这渡桥该在今年年底前完工。The bridge is to be completed by the end of this year.

到去年年底为止我们已生产出3000台电脑。By the end of last year we had produced 3000 computers.

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到去年年底,他已经从困境中摆脱出来。By the end of last year, he had wiggled out of the mess.

年底了,希望所有的朋友都快乐。回家过个好年。HAPPY NEW YEAR! to my friends, and you guys who read it.

他在年底的选举中被认为是匹黑马。He is regarded as a dark horse in the year-end election.