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昨日整天刮大风下大雨。It stormed all day yesterday.

昨日阴霾,今夜雨淅沥。Yesterday haze, tonight rain.

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记者昨日见到了胡洋。The reporter met Huyang yesterday.

昨日为敌,今日为友。Yesterdays enemies are todays friends.

穆巴拉克已是昨日,我们要向未来前行!Mubarak is gone! We will march tomorrow!

昨日签了一项三年的合约。We signed a triennial contract yesterday.

我们如期收到您昨日发来的信。We have received your letter of yesterday.

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昨日还好端端的一个人,怎么说没就没了呢?Yesterday is good a person, how to say no?

我无法挥别昨日,我的朋友。I Can't Say Goodbye to Yesterday, my friend.

昨日已成历史。明日尚是未知。Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery.

昨日已成往事,未来还未可知。Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery.

昨日的私人喷射机,今日的豆腐晚餐。Yesterday's private jet is today's tofu dinner.

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揭阳潮汕机场昨日正式开工建设。Chaoshan started building the airport yesterday.

他希望我们从昨日学了一些事。It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.

时光飞逝,每个人不像他在昨日。How time flys , everybody isn't the one yesterday.

我记得昨日,雨水落向大地。I remember yesterday , the rain fell to the earth.

挥挥衣袖,告别昨日的云彩。Waving the gusset, fairing the cloud of yesterday.

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昨日的挚友,今日的恋人,永远的知己?Friends Yesterday, Lovers Today, Soulmates Forever.

在轮回里感受昨日的余温。In dantesque circle of yesterday's threads feeling.

明日有果酱,昨日有果酱--但是今日没有果酱。Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday--But never jam today.