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她的生物周期正处最低潮。Her biorhythms were at their lowest ebb.

在美国正处衰退之中,这将引发一场贸易战。That would trigger a trade war in the middle of our Great Recession.

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南方地区正处雨季,建筑渗漏问题进入年度高发期。The southern region with rainy season, leakage problems in the construction period.

但在我们正处金融萧条的时期看来,那个发行机构有危机了,所发行的证券还能不危险吗?But in our present recession, everything is as risky as the institution that makes it.

理货组长,现在正处高潮吗?如果是的话我们将不再放低舷梯,谢谢。Chief tallymen, is it high tide now? If it is, we won't put down the gangway, thank you.

他也认为,日本地震不应引起抛售日股潮,因为现时正处买入良机。Buffett said the quake should not prompt selling of Japanese stocks as it presented a "buying opportunity."

你必须得用你的行为来树立一种正确的榜样,即使你自己正处艰难时刻。It is setting the right example with your behaviour, even if you are not experiencing a good period yourself.

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但如果是正处水深火热的大学毕业生看过这些文章后真会有感觉,能为之授用吗?However, if we are suffering are university graduates, after reading these articles I will be feeling, can be granted to use it?

老朱和前妻的女儿,正处青春期,加上长期没和父亲生活在一起,和老朱很难沟通。Laozhu and his ex-wife's daughter was in her adolescence, and due to long time of departing, it was hard for them to communicate.

因目前正处政治分裂之际,分析师预料舒兹所为,将不会对公司的盈亏底限,造成任何负面的影响。While it is a divisive time in politics, analysts do not anticipate the move will have any negative impact on the company's bottom line.

为燃料电池汽车加注氢气的基础设施也正处建设热潮之中,您现在看到的安亭加氢站就是其中之一。Meanwhile, the hydrogen infrastructure is under development to fuel FCV. As you see now, Anting Hydrogen Refueling Station is one of these stations.

这些酷爱音乐的物理学家认为他们用于制作跟踪离子的传感器工艺可能对正处困境中的档案保护者有帮助。These music-loving physicists suspected that the techniques they use to make sensors that track subatomic particles might help the troubled archivists.

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似乎从人格理论上来看,说他是Shelly,Kagan是不对的,假设另一个人现在正处密歇根。Well,it doesn't seem plausible in terms of the personality theory to say that he's Shelly Kagan, and the one here today--Suppose the other one's in Michigan.

喜玛拉雅山是世界的最高峰,在阿鲁纳恰尔邦边界北部,并充当边界线,即使目前正处同中国争议中。The Himalayan mountains, the tallest in the world, are the northern border of Arunachal Pradesh, and serve as the frontier, even if currently disputed, with China.

印度著名专栏作家古查兰·达斯说,占印度劳动人口三分之二的农业人口,目前正处人数下降,收入微薄的状态。Well known Indian author and columnist Gurcharan Das said the farming sector, where two thirds of the country works, is in a state of decline and earnings are meager.

印度是中国铁矿石主要进口来源地之一,一旦印度国内钢铁业呈现爆发式发展,对于正处结构调整中的中国钢铁产业而言,亦不算佳音。India is one of China's largest suppliers of iron ore. A large expansion of its steel sector would not benefit Chinese steel producers, who are undergoing restructuring.

那个区还正处开发阶段,近些年吸引了很多艺术家,不过靠近费城北部荒地,治安不稳定。It's a developing area of the city that's been attracting artists and galleries for the last few years, but still lies precariously close to the badlands of North Philly.

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当今心理科学正处变革之中,后现代主义思潮与信息技术、纳米技术及生物技术的发展也许将孕育一场心理学革命。Nowadays psychology may be in a state of change, and a revolution may will be gestated by post-modernism and Information technology, biological technology, nanotechnology.

据他的私人医生讲,本周一,贝克汉姆在芬兰西南部的一家私人诊所里做了手术,现在正处术后恢复期。这位34岁的前英格兰队队长“感觉,很开心“。The 34-year-old former England captain "feels fine and is happy" as he recuperates from Monday's operation at a private clinic in southwestern Finland, according to his surgeon.

如果你正在寻找鼓起腰包的机会-或者你正处失业,需要一些活计来熬到下一份工作-那么技术领域提供了若干机会。If you’re searching for opportunities to supplement your income — or you’re in between jobs and need some work to tide you over — the tech field offers a number of possibilities.