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试问这样一份丧权辱国的条约谁给接受?。How can such a treaty be accepted?

对这丧权辱国的条约,中国代表居然准备签字承认。This humiliating treaty, China was ready to acknowledge signatures.

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对这丧权辱国的条约,中国代表居然准备签字承认。This abdication of the treaty, the representative of China even prepared to recognize the signature.

中国人在吃了足足一百年的丧权辱国的大亏之后,开始从孔老夫子的怀抱中挣扎出来了。After the Chinese endured the national humiliation for a hundred years, they started to struggle out themselves from the ideology of Confucianism.

列举了中俄在伊犁和帕米尔边界谈判中的实例说明,熟悉边疆地理地图才能寸土必争,否则就丧权辱国。The familiar border area geography map in the boundary negotiations can the fight for each bit of land otherwise loses dignity and has the country insulted.

二十世纪的中国饱受战争的摧残,战争的考验、民族的压迫、丧权辱国的屈辱,激发了现代人强烈的爱国主义情怀。Twentieth-century China suffered the devastation of war, the test of war, national oppression, humiliation to humiliation, inspired modern strong patriotic feelings.

第一次世界大战结束后,中国人民强烈要求废除丧权辱国的“二十一条”、“收回青岛”。After the First World War, Chinese people strongly required to abrogate the "twenty-one articles" that humiliated the nation and forfeited its sovereignty, and "recalling Qingdao City".

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一百多年的时间里,中国遭受了列强的数百次侵略,被迫签订了几百个丧权辱国的不平等条约,先后共失去三百多万平方公里土地。China suffered hundreds of invasions by foreign powers in a century's time and was compelled to sign hundreds of unequal treaties. More than three million km2 of Chinese territory was lost.

一百多年的时间里,中国遭受了列强的数百次侵略,被迫签订了几百个丧权辱国的不平等条约,先后共失去三百多万平方公里土地。China suffered hundreds of invasions by foreign powers in a century’s time and was compelled to sign hundreds of unequal treaties. More than three million km2 of Chinese territory was lost.

虽然取得了一定成效,但却反被俄人钳制,丧权辱国,其外交也陷入了一个死胡同。Though it has achieved some success, china has been clamped down by Russia. These humiliate the nation and forfeit it's sovereignty. The diplomatic relations of china has been in a dangerous place.