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x光显示颅骨没有骨折。X-rays showed the skull to be unfractured.

他从窗子摔了出去,跌裂了颅骨。He fell out of the window and cracked his skull.

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有一块金属深嵌在她的颅骨内。She had a piece of metal embedded deep in her skull.

对颅骨修补的适应症作了讨论。The indications for cranioplasty have been discussed.

根据卢卡·卡拉嘉尼所说,马萨有颅骨损伤。According to Luca Colajanni, Massa has a skull injury.

只要不侵犯颅骨以外器官,SEG预后良好。Prognosis of SEG is good except invading other organs.

品牌新海关哈女性氏风月颅骨黑色手表!Brand New Ed Hardy Women's Temptress Skull Black Watch!

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目的评价钛网颅骨成形术。Objective To evaluate the cranioplasty with Titanium mesh.

大鼠颅骨骨缝器官可在体外培养中成功存活并生长。In vitro model of cranial suture can be cultured successively.

迅即而下的斧头,劈得他颅骨开裂,却没有血液流出。Quickly down the ax, Pide cracking his skull, but no blood flow.

李牧师指出,“有个孩子的颅骨是畸形的。"His skull is not shaped right," Lee pointed out about one child.

下颌骨对上颌骨乃至颅骨的位置关系。The position relation between mandible and maxilla or cranioaural.

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老虎甩一下尾巴的力量足以粉碎一头牛的颅骨。A swipe of a tiger's paw is powerful enough to smash a cow's skull.

目的探讨好颅比在颅骨缺损修补中的应用。Objective To discuss the application of CODUBIX int he cranioplasty.

你头顶部保护你的大脑的骨头叫颅骨。The top of your head that protects your brain is called the cranium.

目的探讨颅骨嗜酸性肉芽肿的CT表现。Objective To explore CT character for acidophilic granuloma of skull.

人体的骨骼分为颅骨、躯干骨、四肢骨三部分。Human bones divided into skull, torso bone, four bridging three parts.

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考古学家发现了一块完整的北京猿人颅骨,口译。In the1920s, archaeologists discovered the complete skull of Peking Man.

高度是悦目的更高在早先颅骨切开术的站点。The amplitudes are sightly higher at the site of the previous craniotomy.

后者通常伴有颅骨多发性囊性病变。The latter is usually accompanied by multiple lytic lesions of the skull.