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革命怒潮汹涌澎湃。The raging tide of revolution surges forward.

强烈的怒潮席卷美国公众。A hot wave of anger swept over the American public.

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声音是那么急,那么响亮,就像万马奔腾,怒潮狂涌一样。The noise was like ten thousand stampeding horses, a roaring tidal wave.

阿联隔着太平洋,呼吸到了风暴即将来临的怒潮。At the other end of the Pacific, Yi is breathing the air of the approaching storm.

然而新的一轮怒潮正扑向新一代的为富不仁者。But a rising wave of anger is directed against the new "malefactors of great wealth".

但是新一轮的怒潮正冲向“富有的恶人们”。But a rising wave of anger is directed against the new " malefactors of great wealth".

中国革命的怒潮正在迫使各社会阶层决定自己的态度。The raging tide of China's revolution is forcing all social strata to decide their attitude.

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我们再来讨论一下节目开头所提到的那幅版画—“断锁怒潮的反抗”。Let us go back to the "Revolt on the Amistad" print we told about at the beginning of this story.

2004年至2006年,中国半导系统体例造工业掀起一场本钱怒潮,尤其在制造项目方面。Came 2004 2006, chinese semiconductor makes an industry lift mad tide of a capital, creating project field especially.

许多经销商都有过汽车存货被洪水和怒潮吞没,或是被冰雹损坏的经历。Dealers have seen their new car inventories wiped out by overflowing rivers, surging tides, and punishing hail storms.

在华盛顿特区的国家艺术馆里有一幅色彩丰富而且极具表现力的版画,叫做“断锁怒潮的反抗”。At the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D. C. there is a colorful and expressive print called "Revolt on the Amistad".

袭击在巴勒斯坦人中激起了新一波怒潮,他们迁怒于英国和美国撤离他们的观察员。The raid unleashed a wave of anger among Palestinians, who blamed Britain and the United States for removing their monitors.

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他还出现了英国的铜管电影“奏出新希望”,并和斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格合作了奴隶起义故事“断锁怒潮”。He also starred in the British brass band movie "Brassed Off, " and worked with Steven Spielberg on the slave revolt story "Amistad.

中国领导人通过允许网上情愿活动、国范围的抵制日货运动以及街头示威点燃了反日活动的怒潮。China's leaders ignited a frenzy of anti-Japanese activism by permitting an online petition drive, a nationwide boycott movement, and then street demonstrations.

将其称为欧洲海啸,这结果是200英尺高的潮汐波袭击英国海岸线,由于怒潮而在布里斯托尔海峡上升到300英尺高。Termed the European tsunami, this will result in tidal waves 200 feet tall assaulting the UK coastline, rising to 300 feet up the Bristol Channel due to tidal bore.

回到镇上,急功近利的人们为了要在驴友怒潮中获利,我借着旅馆窗口就能一目了然,对面旅馆的水泥墙伸手可及。Back in town, the rush to take advantage of the tourist boom means that from the window of my hotel room I see a concrete wall of another inn withellon touchellong distance.

虽然“出生地怀疑运动”处于美国政治生活的边缘,但他们是席卷全国的社会右翼对奥巴马视为社会主义政策的广泛怒潮的一部分。Although the Birthers are on the fringe of American politics, they are part of a wider surge of rightwing anger towards Obama's perceived socialist policies that is sweeping the country.