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这一推想很重要。This is an important formulation.

我的推想已经证实了!My reckon have been already confirmed!

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我推想我也许正在圣维多的对岸。I thought I might be opposite San Vito.

按照一般的逻辑和推想,人们选择的一定是前者。The logical and expected choice would be the former.

这是一个从河马到恐龙的推想。Speculation has ranged from a hippopotamus to a dinosaur.

此外,你没被推想把钱给乞丐。Besides, you're not supposed to give money to panhandlers.

她真的富有想像力,能够推想出发生的事情吗?Does she have the imagination to figure out what happened?

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反躬自省,自我批评是我们完善推想坚定信念的一种手段。Critical reflection is one means by which we work through beliefs and assumptions.

双重的绞盘是吗推想始终快速旋转而单位是在但是之上停止?。Are the dual capstans supposed to spin all the time while the unit is on but stopped?

因为是女人去讨好他们,所以他们就推想任何女人拥有了他们都会感到快乐。Because women fawn over them, they reason that any woman would be happy to have them.

这些现代人力车实际上被分类,我推想,一起在一定程度上法兰肯斯坦。These are actually sort of modern rickshaws, I suppose, Frankensteined together in a way.

针灸麻醉和针灸止痛将针灸疗法推想了世界。Acupuncture anesthesia and acupuncture analgesia has promoted the acupuncture therapy to the world.

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该文对“令鸡子飞”的可能性作了新的推想,并运用现代热学知识予以解释。This paper deal with the possibility of make the eggshell fly in the air , and gives a new explanation.

一只手一直抓着栏杆,我边叹气边暗笑自己的推想。With one hand now always locked onto the handrail, I bemoaned and laughed about my predicament a little more.

根据我的推想,经过这几百万年,演化机制硬是让人类的神经系统发展出两种醒来的方式。My theory is that over millions of years, evolution has hardwired the human nervous system to rouse in two ways.

这让很多人推想可能太空里有几十个风干了的动物尸体仍然在轨道上绕行。This leads many to theorize that perhaps dozens of mummified animals are still making the orbital rounds up there.

在此之前,科学们就曾对地球生命体中氨基酸的左旋性进行过推想,他们认为,在地球形成的早期,含有左型氨基酸的陨石曾地毯式的轰炸过地球,当这些物质建构成生命体中时,其左旋的偏好便完整的保持了下来。The scientists believe that early in its history, Earth was bombarded with meteorites containing left-handed amino acids.

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本文介绍了语用照应的推想方法和语用照应因果论。This paper introduces the pragmatic approaches to bridging assumptions, the Result and Reason interpretations of bridging.

一旦进入,内部空间令游客感到意外,因为从外部空间完全不能推想出这样的内部空间。Once inside, the visitor is transported to a completely unexpected interior space that is unknown from the exterior façade.

因此虽然它们看似语言,我们突然意识到,若推想它们有任何意义,那是愚蠢的。Therefore, even though they look like language, we suddenly realize that it would be foolish to suppose that they have meaning.