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我住在明尼苏达州的明尼阿波利斯市,这可是美国中部最北边的一个州。I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

北面,南面还是锯齿山脉中部?North, South, or Central Sierras?

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因为所有的能量都在中部。And the middle is everything here.

你的舱位在船中部。You' ll find your cabin amidships.

在河内的中部有个寺庙。OK. Here's the story as I am told it.

指的是中部平原以西的部分。The western part of the central plain.

伊斯帕罕伊朗中部一城市,在续墨兰以南。A city of central Iran south of Tehran.

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欧洲中部的内陆国。A landlocked country of central Europe.

周末意大利中部和北部地区的气温预计将达到38摄氏度。over the week-end in central and northern

画面中部有一株弯曲的松树。There is a bended pine in the middle part.

翁布里亚亚平宁半岛意大利中部的一个寺区。A region of central Italy in the Apennines.

他乘火车穿越欧洲中部旅行。He traveled by train across central Europe.

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理想情况下,中部电力公司将购买此电力。Chubu Electric, ideally, will buy the power.

它位于井冈山风景区的中部,海拔820米。Jing Gang and has an altitude of 820 meters.

这条船在中部份被毁。The ship was partially damaged in the storm.

沙漏的中部、小提琴中间凹处、黄蜂的腰部。The waist of an hourglass, a violin, a wasp.

在非洲中部,卡巴尔还是个挺突出的地方。Kabale is quite a landmark in central Africa.

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梅山位于湖南省中部。Meishan lies in the middle of Hunan province.

将治疗带的中部缠绕于足部。Wrap the middle of the band around your foot.

进入中部横贯公路。The start of the Central Cross-Island Highway.