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在漫长的冬季,她患上了幽居病。She suffered from cabin fever during the long winter.

幽居病是由于身处受限区域而产生的坐立不安。Cabin fever is restlessness from being in a confined area.

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孩子们如果不能到户外玩耍,通常会得幽居病。Often children get cabin fever if they cannot go outside to play.

在你得了幽居症的日子里,想尽一切办法离开家。On the days that you’re feeling some cabin fever, by all means, get out of the house.

一颗躁动的心,无论幽居于深山,还是隐没在古刹,都无法安静下来。A restless heart, whether in the mountains , or Subduction in the monastery, can not be calmed down.

幽居病是在阴郁的冬天特别是一月份发生的一种真实现象。Cabin Fever is a real phenomenon that takes place during the dark winter months, particularly January.

基迪斯·玛莉·碧歌斯因为健康问题离开了住所,在外幽居,直至3个月前逝世。Gladys Mary Briggs, who left her flat for health reasons, stayed silent until she died 3 months later.

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一场暴风雪刚刚席卷了波特兰,所以在经历了一场幽居病后,我开始为她写歌。A blizzard had just swept through Portland, so during a bout of cabin fever I began writing songs for her.

花更多的时间呆在房间使用电脑或者看电视会导致一些人得幽居病。ToToo much time inside the house using a computer or watching television can cause someone to get cabin fever.

花太多的时间在室内玩电脑或看电视会让人患“幽居病”。Too much time inside the house using a computer or watching television can cause someone to get carbin cabin fever.

中华人民共和国成立后的那四十年,上海犹如一个陌生的存在,如果将它比喻成一个人,那她便是过着不人不鬼的幽居生活。In the first four decades of the People’s Republic, Shanghai existed in a strange limbo, a kind of ghostly half-life.

与其他人物相比,人们对于幽居于宫墙内的帝王一直有一种莫名的敬畏和天然的好奇。Compared with other people, the people in the yellow wall of the king has been a nameless fear and a natural curiosity.

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在房子里花很多时间玩电脑或者看电视,可以使人得幽居病。Too much time inside the house using a computer or watching television can call cause someone to get carbin cabin fever.

在父权制社会的种种严格规范下,她们被囿于阃之内,幽居于家庭中,被剥夺了参与社会事务的正当权利。Under the strict patriarchy society, they were confined to the families, and deprived of the rights participating in social affairs.

与世隔绝会产生幽居病同时我画的插图绝大部分是商业和工业图,这使我感到空洞无物。The isolation created a cabin fever vibe and the fact that I was painting mostly commercial and industrial images seemed empty to me.

春雨过后,阳光明媚,百花争艳,与女主人公的幽居环境形成极大的反差。After rain the various charming flowers vie in blossoming under sun. Such beautiful view forms an ironic contrast with the heroine's solitude.

鹦鹉被关在用名贵的玉做成的鸟笼中,因为它有奇妙的说话声,而女主人公幽居在富丽的闺阁中则因她有美丽的容貌和唱歌的天赋。The parrot is confined to a jeweled cage because of its magic sound to talk, just as she is confined to a luxurious boudoir because of her beauty and gift as a singer.

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英国德文郡和康沃尔郡的官员表示,恶劣的天气迫使伴侣呆在屋内太久,这样会导致“幽居病”,继而增加发生家暴的几率。Officers in Devon and Cornwall said bad weather leads to partners with stranded indoors too much and the resulting "cabin fever" increases the chances of violent outbursts.

英国德文郡和康沃尔郡的官员表示,恶劣的天气迫使伴侣呆在屋内太久,这样会导致致“幽居病”,继而增加发生家暴的几率。Officers sin Devon and Cornwall said bad weather leads to partners with stranded indoors too much and the resulting "cabin fever" increases the chances of violent outbursts.

不过,从海丝特后半世的生活来看,有迹象表明,这位佩戴红字的幽居者是居住在另一片国度里的某个人热爱和关怀的对象。But, through the remainder of Hester's life, there were indications that the recluse of the scarlet letter was the object of love and interest with some inhabitant of another land.