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树叶纷飞。The leaves fly.

七月的雨纷飞,漫天遍野。July fiercely, sky filled by the rain.

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秋来了,又是一个落叶纷飞的季节。Autumn, it is a season of falling leaves.

窗外雪花纷飞,我心骄阳似火。Snow outside the window, my heart is scorching.

估计今年冬天将雨雪纷飞、泥泞不堪。Predictably the winter will be snowy, sleety and slushy.

随着工人将木头打磨光滑,木屑纷飞。Tiny splinters fly as the workman planes the wood smooth.

这里瑞雪纷飞,清新的空气沁人肺腑。Here, auspicious snow swirling in the air, the fresh air -----.

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冬季的时候,棕榈树与纷飞的雪奏响一曲超现实的交响乐。Winter finds palm trees dusted with snow in a surreal symphony.

冷雨纷飞,留不住你离去脚步,转身,我笑的撕心裂肺。Rain falling, you stay leave footsteps, turn around, I laugh at the.

小河边一阵阵清风拂过,堤岸柳枝飘舞,粉色花瓣纷飞。A small river a breeze blowing, the willows fluttered, pink petals fly.

本该是个黄叶纷飞的季节,仰头,满树青舂。This is a yellow leaves falling in season, look up, full Shuqing chung.

而这些战舰——朱将军的思绪纷飞——也能用来对抗中国。Those same ships, Chenghu's thinking goes, could be used against China.

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那油纸伞下的情愫,飘落在纷飞的细雨之中。The paper under the umbrella of the affair, falling in the falling rain.

秋天,我们可以期待纷飞的落叶和暴涨的油价。This autumn we can look forward to falling leaves and rising gas prices.

走在落花纷飞的街道,逝去的时光无法再挽回。Walk on the streets, the fallen petal flutters lost time not to recover.

自大学毕业后,同学们劳燕纷飞。After graduating from university, classmates leave for various directions.

冰河解冻,彩蝶纷飞,野熊撒欢,这是一个结婚的季节。Ice thawed, Butterfly fly freely, Bear play freely. It is time for our wedding.

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零零散散,拼拼凑凑,记忆的花絮胡乱纷飞,缭乱了如水的流年。Zero Zero separate, together, memory snapshots at falling, confused as water time.

当我看着火车外纷飞的大雪,却是二十多年过去了。When I watched the snow falling outside the train, it was twenty years have passed.

在细雨纷飞的季节里,在徐徐微风的黑夜里,你可知道,我仍是最思念你的人。In this rainy season and breezy black night, do you know the one who miss you most is me.