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迈开了烟花的新时代纪元?Taking a new era of era of fireworks.

现在我们讲到了公历纪元,所以是公元66年。Now we're in the Common Era,so this 66 CE.

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计算指定纪元年份的闰月。Calculates the leap month for a specified year.

旅游的新纪元同时也是十分民主的纪元。The new age of travel is also sturdily democratic.

计算指定年份和纪元的闰月。Calculates the leap month for a specified year and era.

这本应是一个成功纪元的开始。It should have been the beginning of a fruitful new era.

亚洲回归世界舞台将是划纪元的一举。The return of Asia to the world stage will define the era.

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上次执行清单回收筒的时间,从纪元后算起的日数。The last time empty trash was run, in days since the epoch.

计算指定年份或指定纪元年份的闰月。Calculates the leap month for a specified year, or year and era.

确定指定纪元中指定年份的指定月份是否为闰月。IsLeapMonth for all the months in five years in the current era.

盖茨说,现在是时候脱离“古典厕所”的纪元,向着未来迈进了。Gates says it's time to move on from the era of the classic toilet.

切记,文化的纪元来来往往,但胜人一筹的思想却是永恒的。Remember, cultural epochs come and go, but one-upmanship is forever.

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确定当前纪元中的指定日期是否为闰日。Determines whether the specified date in the current era is a leap day.

那是耶稣纪元一干七百七十五年。It was the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five.

我们决不能低估这种风俗对我们纪元的重要影响。The importance of this �custom for our epoch can never be overestimated.

直到最近才有人注意第13白克顿纪元的结束。No one paid much attention to the end of Baktun 13 until fairly recently.

只剩下六天了,我们共同分享的美国之梦将开始其下一纪元。In just six days, we will begin the next chapter in our shared American story.

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即将到来的新时代是一个和谐、进步、博学和启悟的纪元。This coming New Age is an era of harmony, progress, knowing, and enlightenment.

确定指定纪元年份中的指定月份是否为闰月。Determines whether a specified month in a specified year and era is a leap month.

帝国时期的每件事出现在纪元前144到45年马苦士给佛朗图的信件。Everything in the imperial period is present in Marcus Aurelius's letter of 144-45 A.