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因此,将长期下泄“枯水”流量。As a result, it will discharge at "low water" continuously.

蛋白尿属于中医“精气下泄”范畴。Proteinuria is correspondant to "Essence and vital Energy callapse" of TCM.

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抬高的水位最终通过三峡大坝下泄。Rising water levels could eventually transformthe Three Gorges Dam into a massive waterfall.

第三个因素是融水向下泄流到冰上,促使周围冰升温。A third factor is melt water cascading downward into the ice, which warms the surrounding ice.

建坝后水库下泄水流挟带的床沙质含沙量减少,坝下游河床出现冲刷。The released flow from reservoirs carries less sediment load of bed material than pre? dam periods.

2008年猛烈下泄的需求迫使成千上万的工厂倒闭,上百万的工人失业。Plunging demand in 2008 forced thousands of factories to close and threw millions of laborers out of work.

下泄热交换器将流体的温度降到合适的定值,这个温度下,净化床工作允许。The letdown heat exchanger reduces letdown fluid temperature to a value that is compatible with the ion exchanger resin.

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三峡大坝开始加大下泄流量,以缓解下游水稻耕种区的严重旱情。The Three Gorges Dam has started to increase its water release to ease severe drought plaguing downstream rice-growing areas.

讨论在给定葛洲坝一天下泄流量过程的情况下三峡梯级电站发电站发电的情况。The Three Gorges cascade has two hydropower stations at present, they are Three Gorges power station and Gezhouba power station.

结果表明,RCV下泄热交换器的设计满足规范要求。The results of evaluation indicate that the design of RCV discharging heat exchanger is satisfied with the requirement of standard.

长江每年下泄近7亿吨泥沙,全世界排名第四。Over 700 million tons of sediment are deposited into the Yangtze annually, making it the fourth largest sediment carrier in the world.

容控箱收集净化、过滤后的下泄流,同时它给上充泵提供净正吸入压头。The volume control tank collects the purified, filtered letdown fluid and provides a suction reservoir and head for the charging pumps.

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在九月中旬雷曼兄弟倒闭之后,美国这个世界最大的经济体的消费者信心指数已经下泄到了历史最低点。Consumer confidence in the world's largest economy has collapsed to a record low following the collapse of Lehman Brothers in mid-September.

另一次,一个红头发的女学生在地铁车上靠着我,我瞥见到她腋窝下泄露的一小片赤褐色存留定我的血液里几个星期不褪。Another time a red-haired school girl hung over me in the metro, and a revelation of axillary russet I obtained remained in my blood for weeks.

至前161年,堰塞湖水南向溢流而夺古潜水河道下泄,又在龙门山以北的阳平关谷地形成新的“大泽”。In 161 BC, the waters of the barrier lake overflowed south to the old Qian River, forming large marshes in Yangpingguan Valley to the north of Mt Longmen.

水利枢纽调蓄作用、初期拦截泥沙、下泄清水会引起下游桥梁本身的一般冲刷和桥墩局部冲刷的加剧。Water conservancy hub storage, the initial intercept sediment, water leaking will make the general scour and piers local scour of bridge itself increasing.

分析表明可抬高电站取水口高程使下泄水温与天然水温较为接近,以尽量减小由于发电而给下游河道生态造成的不利影响。Computed results indicate that it is needed to adjust the intake elevation to make the temperature of discharged water close to the nature water temperature.

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为了有效减轻坝身下泄水流对水垫塘底板的动水冲击压强,须尽量分散下泄水舌。In order to alleviate the value of the plunging pressure caused by plunging jet from dams effectively, plunging jet should be dispersed in the receiving pool.

水库下泄清水对下游河道河床的冲刷以及附著在泥沙上的污染物对水库水质的影响等。Clear water released from reservoirs would scour downstream channels. Pollutants adhering on surface of sediment particles would bring about water pollution and so on.

②采用与实验数据吻合较好的湍流模式模拟二维部分溃坝洪水下泄过程,并分析得到的各个时段的流场状况。The whole discharged process two-dimensional dam-break broken different ways were simulated with selected turbulent model and analyze the situation by all the flow field.