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他们重新夺回了堑壕。They recaptured their trench.

至死不悔自堑壕升起。From their graves in the trenches ascending.

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我看到的黎波里东面有野战工事和反坦克堑壕。I saw in the east and Tripoli field fortifications and anti-tank trenches.

当友人的炮弹爆炸时,堑壕里的人坐倒了。The men in the trenches stayed down while the enemy shells were exploding.

从这时开始会构造出一个半永久的堑壕体系。From this beginning a system of more permanent trenches may be constructed.

防守一方的炮位被布置在这些主堑壕后方。The defenders' artillery was posted to the rear of the main line of trenches.

一个堑壕体系的开端可能仅仅是士兵用他们的镐铲锹锄挖出的一系列散兵坑。A trench system may begin simply as a collection of foxholes hastily dug by troops using their entrenching tools.

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每一条主堑壕前方都配布了一片铁丝网,旨在减慢和分散进攻部队。Each main line of trenches was fronted by fields of barbed wire intended to slow down and entangle attacking infantry.

复杂的堑壕网中包含了指挥所、前线补给点、医疗站、伙头军和厕所。The intricate network of trenches contained command posts, forward supply dumps, first-aid stations, kitchens, and latrines.

因而,进攻堑壕体系的要诀在于奇袭和步兵压倒性的人海战术,在那时却是最不可能具备的。The crucial elements in attacking a trench system, surprise and overwhelming numbers of infantry, were thus almost impossible to attain.

与“堑壕效应”相一致,终极控制股东超额控制程度与公司透明度负相关。In line with the "entrenchment effect", the excess control extent of ultimate controlling shareholder is negatively related to corporate transparency.

尽管东北军尽心准备的反坦克堑壕成功地阻挡了苏军坦克的进攻,但由于其炮兵的射击准确度过差,没有能把握住机会,在火炮有效射程内将苏军坦克击毁。Despite the good antitank defense here, the Chinese were unable to knock out a single tank because their artillerymen could not have been worse in their firing.

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由于缺乏反击炮火和现成的堑壕工事,东部队在沙地上用头盔急速挖掘散兵坑,以躲避弹幕射击。Lacking both artillery to return fire and entrenching tools to dig in, Azuma's men hastily scooped holes out of the desert sand with their helmets as they sought protection from the barrage.