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我支援你。I support you.

字码页编码方式支援。Encoding Support for Code Pages.

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达格利什说道,“他在前面支援库伊特。He gets forward to support Dirk.

当你有炮灰支援的时候才使用高斯炮。Use only with own cannon fodder.

这怎么是十方支援呢?Why is help from ten directions?

反恐组的支援直升机从空中飞过,抵达了现场。The CTU chopper arrives overhead.

接着,他派了一队支援去鲍尔的家宅。Nina sends backup to the Bauer home.

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纳尼亚必须去支援国王伦恩。Narnia must go to the aid of King Lune.

社会应该为老年人提供支援。Society should support its elderly people.

某些国家在这方面需要紧急支援。Some countries need urgent support in this.

他再次感谢亲们的支援。He thanked his fans again for their support.

主功能表中支援目录流览。Supports directory browsing in the main menu.

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这时,他给我打电话要求空中定位支援。At that point he phoned me for aerial support.

我们也将为利比亚反对派提供支援。We're offering support to the Libyan opposition.

代表团支援队成员正在架设营帐。Contingent Support Team was setting up the tents.

外勤兵提供重型火力支援。Field Ops provides more heavy fire power support.

谁应当领导这场改革及统筹支援?Who should lead change and gather support for it?

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请洽询管理员,瞭解支援的搜寻基础。Ask your administrator for supported search bases.

他为这支农民军队支援粮饷。He provided grains, and money for this farm force.

当地语言的语音支援,更先进的战团管理系统。Native voice-over IP, and integrated clan support.